
Yang Guipeng


杨桂朋 / Yang Guipeng




职  务:

















1.   海洋生源活性气体(二甲基硫DMS、挥发性卤代烃VHCs、一氧化碳CO、甲烷CH4,等等)的生物地球化学及气候效应

2.   海洋界面化学

3.   海洋有机化学

4.   海洋光化学






1997.12-至今,  中国海洋大学化学化工学院,教授/博士生导师




Ø  国际一流期刊Marine Pollution Bulletin主编(2019-

Ø  国际知名期刊Marine Chemistry副主编(2014-)、Continental Shelf Research副主编(2015-2019)、Journal of Oceanology and Liminology副主编(2019-)、Journal of Ocean University of China编委(2005-

Ø  《海洋环境研究》副主编(2023-)、《海洋与湖沼》编委(2020-)、《中国海洋大学学报》编委(2004-)、《盐湖研究》编委(2014-)、《中国科技论文》(地球科学)编委(2018-

Ø  国际SCOR海洋微表层工作组成员(2012-

Ø  中国海洋湖沼学会常务理事(2017-

Ø  中国海洋湖沼学会海洋化学分会副理事长(2012-2022

Ø  中国海洋学会海洋化学分会副主任委员(2023-

Ø  中国海洋学会陆海水域污染防控分会副主任委员(2024-

Ø  中国化学会理事(2010-2019

Ø  山东化学化工学会副理事长(2007-

Ø  中国SOLAS(上层海洋-低层大气研究)委员会委员(2014-


Ø  以第一完成人获教育部自然科学一等奖、山东省自然科学二等奖、国家海洋局海洋创新成果一等奖、山东省省级教学成果一等奖等省部级科研和教学奖励8项,各种荣誉称号20余项。

Ø  教育部“长江学者”特聘教授(2009

Ø  国家杰出青年科学基金获得者(2005

Ø  新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选(2007

Ø  山东省“泰山攀登学者”(2024

Ø  山东省“泰山学者”特聘教授(2005首批,2011二期)

Ø  国务院政府特殊津贴(2010

Ø  海洋科学与技术国家实验室“鳌山人才”卓越科学家(2015年)

Ø  山东省有突出贡献的中青年专家(2009

Ø  2004年教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者

Ø  第五届全国优秀科技工作者(2012

Ø  第二届山东省优秀研究生导师(2009

Ø  山东省高等学校学科带头人(2003年确定)

Ø  青岛市专业技术拔尖人才(三届)

Ø  青岛市优秀教师(2007

Ø  教育部自然科学一等奖(2009),第一获奖人

Ø  国家海洋局创新成果一等奖(2010),第一获奖人

Ø  山东省自然科学二等奖(2020),第一获奖人

Ø  中国海洋优秀科技图书奖(2023),第一获奖人

Ø  第六届山东省省级教学成果一等奖(2009),第一获奖人

Ø  第七届山东省省级教学成果二等奖(2014),第一获奖人

Ø  第八届山东省省级教学成果二等奖(2017),第一获奖人

Ø  国家海洋局科技创新成果二等奖(2005),第一获奖人

Ø  山东省高校优秀科研成果(自然科学类)一等奖(2005),第一获奖人

Ø  第六届山东省青年科技奖(2000

Ø  国家级教学团队(海洋化学课程)负责人(2010


1.  国家自然科学基金重点项目:西北太平洋一氧化碳的源汇格局、调控机制及气候效应(42330402),299万,主持。

2.  泰山学者攀登专家计划项目(tspd20240805):350万,主持。

3.  国家重点研发计划项目:中国东部陆架海域生源活性气体的生物地球化学过程及气候效应,2586万元,主持。

4.  国家自然科学基金重点项目:中国东海和黄海中挥发性卤代烃的源与汇及其对环境的影响,359万,主持。

5.  国家自然科学基金重点项目:中国东海和黄海中生源硫的生产、分布、迁移转化与环境效应,220万元,主持。

6.  国家自然科学基金重大国际合作研究项目:海洋酸化对河口近岸生态系和生源活性气体生物地球化学过程的影响,330万元,主持。

 7.  海洋国家实验室“鳌山人才”卓越科学家专项:海洋生源活性气体的生物地球化学,240万,主持。

 8.   国家杰出青年科学基金项目:海洋化学,160万,主持。

 9.   国家自然科学基金面上项目:中国东部陆架海域COSCS2的来源、浓度分布与迁移转化研究,主持。

10.   国家自然科学基金面上项目:中国东海中二甲基亚砜的生物地球化学过程研究,主持。

11.   国家自然科学基金面上项目:中国东海和黄海中一氧化碳的浓度分布及其时空变化,主持。

12.   国家自然科学基金面上项目:海水中挥发性卤代烃的分布、来源及海-气通量研究,主持。

13.   国家自然科学基金面上项目:海洋中二甲基硫的生物地球化学及海-气界面过程研究,主持。

14.   国家自然科学基金面上项目:海水中无机物质的光化学研究,主持。

15.   国家自然科学青年基金项目:海洋有机光化学反应研究,主持。

16.   山东省“泰山学者”建设工程专项经费(2005-2010,首批),主持。

17.   山东省“泰山学者”建设工程专项经费(2011-2015,二期),主持。

18.   山东省科技攻关项目:海洋生源活性气体的释放及其对环境的影响,主持。

19.   教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”项目:海洋石油污染的光化学降解,主持。

20.   教育部重点项目:海洋环境中有害物质的光化学降解研究,主持。

21.   教育部留学回国人员科研基金项目:海洋石油烃的光化学降解动力学研究,主持。

22.   山东省自然科学基金重点项目:胶州湾中挥发性卤代烃的生物地球化学循环,主持。

23.   山东省自然科学基金:海水微表层中环境有害物质的光降解模式研究,主持。

24.   另参与承担国家级项目8项;主持横向科研项目5项。


先后担任海洋化学理论与工程技术教育部重点实验室主任、校海洋化学研究所所长、化学化工学院院长。校学术委员会常务委员兼化学化工学院学术分委员会主任,校学位委员会委员。一直从事海洋化学的教学与科研工作。先后为本科生、研究生讲授10门课程。已培养毕业博士和硕士近200人。主持承担国家级和省部级各类项目30余项。已发表学术论文630篇,其中在国际高水平期刊上发表SCI论文330篇,出版学术专著3部。在海洋二甲基硫(DMS)、挥发性卤代烃(VHCs)、一氧化碳(CO)、甲烷(CH4)、非甲烷烃(NMHCs)等活性气体的生物地球化学及气候效应、海洋界面化学、海洋有机化学、海洋光化学等研究领域取得了一系列具有国际前沿水平的创新性成果。已连续多年进入国际海洋科学和环境科学研究领域顶尖科学家(World's Top 2% Scientists)行列和爱思唯尔(Elsevier)中国高被引学者榜单,在业界具有广泛的学术影响。



1.  Shi-Hai Mao, Hong-Hai Zhang, Guang-Chao Zhuang*, Xiao-Jun Li, Qiao Liu, Zhen Zhou, Wei-Lei Wang, Chun-Yang Li, Ke-Yu Lu, Xi-Ting Liu, Andrew Montgomery, Samantha B. Joye, Yu-Zhong Zhang & Gui-Peng Yang*, 2022. Aerobic oxidation of methane significantly reduces global diffusive methane emissions from shallow marine waters. Nature Communications, 13: 7309.

2. Jiang-Chen Gong, Hong Jin, Bing-Han Li, Ye Tian, Chun-Ying Liu*, Pei-Feng Li, Qian Liu, Riel Carlo O. Ingeniero, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2023. Emissions of nitric oxide from photochemical and microbial processes in coastal waters of the Yellow and East China Seas. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(9): 4039-4049.

3. Feng Xu, Hong-Hai Zhang*, Xiao-Song Zhong, Shi-Bo Yan, Jia-Wei Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Xin Ma, Zhao-Hui Chen, 2024. Revealing the marine cycles of volatile sulfur compounds and their biogeochemical controls: A case of the western North Pacific. Environmental Science & Technology, 58: 3235-3245.

4. Ye Tian, Ke-Ke Wang, Gui-Peng Yang, Pei-Feng Li, Chun-Ying Liu*, Riel Carlo O. Ingeniero, and Hermann W. Bange, 2021. Continuous chemiluminescence measurements of dissolved nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the ocean surface layer   of the East China Sea. Environmental Science & Technology, 55: 3668-3675.

5. Qian Liu, Xu-Xu Gao, Yan Li, Yong Jiang, Juan Yu, Shan-Shan Liu, Xiao-Ping Lang, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2024. Microplastics stress alters microorganism community structure and reduces the production of biogenic dimethylated sulfur compounds. Limnology and Oceanography, DOI: 10.1002/lno.12701

6. Cheng-Xuan Li, Bao-Dong Wang*, Kan Chen, Gui-Peng Yang*, Jian-Fang Chen, Li-Na Lin, 2024. Response of distributions and emissions of summer biogenic sulfur in the Pacific Arctic to enhanced Pacific-Water inflow. Limnology and Oceanography, 69: 81-103.

7. Qian-Yao Ma, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2023. Responses of biogenic dimethylated sulfur compounds to environmental changes in the northwestern Pacific continental sea. Limnology and Oceanography, 68(7): 1452-1469.

8. Qian-Yao Ma, Hong-Hai Zhang, Feng Xu, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2022. Transformation processes of biogenic dimethylated sulfur compounds in the northwestern Pacific continental sea. Limnology and Oceanography, 67: 903-917.

9. Feng Xu, Shi-Bo Yan, Hong-Hai Zhang*, Ying-Cui Wu, Qian-Yao Ma, Yu-Chen Song, Guang-Chao Zhuang, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2021. Occurrence and cycle of dimethyl sulfide in the western Pacific Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography, 66(7): 2868-2884.

10. Rong Zhu, Gui-Peng Yang*, Hong-Hai Zhang, 2019. Temporal and spatial distributions of carbonyl sulfide, dimethyl sulfide and carbon disulfide in seawater and marine atmosphere of the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent East China Sea. Limnology and Oceanography, 64: 632–649.

11.   Shan Jian, Hong-Hai Zhang, Jing Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2018. Spatiotemporal distribution characteristics and environmental control factors of biogenic dimethylated sulfur compounds in the East China Sea during spring and autumn. Limnology and Oceanography, 63: S280–S298.

12. Xu-Xu Gao, Hong-Hai Zhang, Shi-Hai Mao, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2021. Responses of biogenic sulfur compound concentrations to dust aerosol enrichment and ocean acidification in the Western Pacific Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL095527.

13. Cheng-Xuan Li, Bao-Dong Wang*, Zi-Cheng Wang, Jiang Li, Gui-Peng Yang*, Jian-Fang Chen, Li-Na Lin, Yang Lyu, and Fu Guo, 2019. Spatial and interannual variability in distributions and cycling of summer biogenic sulfur in the Bering Sea. Geophysical   Research Letters, 46: 4816-4825.

14. Ming-Liang Zhao, Jie Fu, Xuan Ji, Jing Zhang, Zhen He, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2024. Comprehensive analysis of benzothiazoles (BTHs), benzotriazoles (BTRs), and benzotriazole ultraviolet absorbers (BUVs) in the western South China Sea: Spatial distributions, migration tendencies and ecotoxicological relevance. Water Research, 266: 122372.

15. Ming-Liang Zhao, Xuan Ji, Zhen He*, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2024. Spatial distribution, partitioning and ecological risk assessment of benzotriazoles, benzothiazoles, and benzotriazole UV absorbers in the eastern shelf seas of China. Water Research, 248: 120885.

16. Feng Xu, Hong-Hai Zhang*, Xiao-Song Zhong, Gao-Bin Xu, Shi-Bo Yan, Jin-Wei Wu, Jian Wang, Xuan Ji, Gui-Peng Yang*, Zhao-Hui Chen, 2024. Rapid cycling and emission of volatile sulfur compounds in the eastern Indian Ocean: Impact of runoff inputs and implications for balancing atmospheric carbonyl sulfide budget. Water Research, 267: 122475.

17. Jiang-Chen Gong, Bing-Han Li, Jing-Wen Hu, Pei-Feng Li, Qian Liu, Gui-Peng Yang*, Chun-Ying Liu*, 2023. Driving force of tidal pulses on denitrifiers-dominated nitrogen oxide emissions from intertidal wetland sediments. Water Research, 247: 120770.

18. Ming-Liang Zhao, Xuan Ji, Jing Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2024. Spatiotemporal variation, partitioning, and ecological risk assessment of benzothiazoles, benzotriazoles, and benzotriazole UV absorbers in the Yangtze River Estuary and its adjacent area. Journal of   Hazardous Materials, 564: 133337.

19. Yanfen Zheng, Jinyan Wang, Shun Zhou, Yunhui   Zhang, Ji Liu, Chun-Xu Xue, Beth T. Williams, Xiuxiu Zhao, Li Zhao, Xiao-Yu   Zhu, Chuang Sun, Hong-Hai Zhang, Tian Xiao, Gui-Peng Yang, Jonathan D. Todd, Xiao-Hua Zhang, 2020. Bacteria are important dimethylsulfoniopropionate producers in marine aphotic and high-pressure environments. Nature Communications, 11: 4658.

20. Andrew R. J. Curson, Ji Liu, Ana Bermejo Martínez, Robert T. Green, Yohan Chan, Ornella Carrión, Beth T. Williams, Sheng-Hui Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang, Philip C. Bulman Page, Xiao-Hua Zhang*, Jonathan D. Todd*, 2017. Dimethylsulfoniopropionate biosynthesis in marine bacteria and identification   of the key gene in this process. Nature Microbiology, 2: 1-9.

21. Qi-Long Qin, Zhi-Bin Wang, Hai-Nan Su, Xiu-Lan Chen, Jie Miao, Xiu-Juan Wang, Chun-Yang Li, Xi-Ying Zhang, Ping-Yi Li, Min Wang, Jiasong Fang, Ian Lidbury, Weipeng Zhang, Xiao-Hua Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang, Yin Chen, Yu-Zhong Zhang, 2021. Oxidation of trimethylamine to trimethylamine N-oxide facilitates high hydrostatic pressure tolerance in a generalist bacterial lineage. Science Advances, 7: eabf9941.

22. Chun-Yang Li, Tian-Di Wei, Sheng-Hui Zhang, Xiu-Lan Chen, Xiang Gao, Peng Wang, Bin-Bin Xie, Hai-Nan Su, Qi-Long Qin, Xi-Ying Zhang, Juan Yu, Hong-Hai Zhang, Bai-Cheng Zhou, Gui-Peng Yang, Yu-Zhong Zhang, 2014. Molecular insight into bacterial cleavage of oceanic dimethylsulfoniopropionate into dimethyl sulfide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 111(3): 1026-1031.

23. Lin Yang, Chun-Yan Gong, Xiang-Jie Mo, Jing Zhang*, Bin Yang, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2024. Carbon monoxide in the marine atmosphere and seawater: spatiotemporal distribution and photobiogeochemical cycling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129: e2024JC021286.   

24. Bing-Han Li, Jiang-Chen Gong, Cheng-Xuan Li, Tao Liu, Jing-Wen Hu, Pei-Feng Li, Chun-Ying Liu*, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2024. Regulation of seawater dissolved carbon pools by environmental changes in Ulva prolifera originating sites: A new perspective on the contribution of U. prolifera to the seawater carbon sink function. Environmental Pollution, 360: 124679.

25. Shi-Bo Yan, Gao-Bin Xu, Hong-Hai Zhang*, Jian Wang, Feng Xu, Xu-Xu Gao, Jia-Wei Zhang, Jin-Wei Wu, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2024. Factors controlling DMS emission and atmospheric sulfate aerosols in the western Pacific continental sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129: e2024JC020886.

26. Bing-Han Li, Jiang-Chen Gong, Chun-Ying Liu*, Jing-Wen Hu, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2024. Riverine influences and seasonal dynamics: Exploring carbonate system variations and air-sea CO2 fluxes in the southern Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129, e2024JC021029.

27. Lin Yang, Jiayu Chen, Jing Zhang*, Gui-Peng Yang*, Bin Yang, 2024. Distributions, sea-to-air fluxes, and biological consumption of carbon monoxide in the Bohai and Yellow Seas during winter. Journal of Marine Systems, 245: 103994.

28. Jie Ni, Shan-Shan Liu, Gao-Bin Xu, Xuan Ji, Zhen He*, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2024. Photothermal conditions and upwelling enhance very short-lived brominated halocarbons emissions in the western tropical Pacific Ocean. Science of the Total Environment, 932: 173035.

29. Juan Yu, Ji-Yuan Tian, Yu Jiang, Xue-Dan Wang, Xin-Ran, Song, Long-Fei Liu, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2024. Effects of micro- and nano-plastics on growth, antioxidant system, DMS, and DMSP production in Emiliania huxleyi. Environmental Pollution, 351: 124084.

30. Juan Yu, Su Wang, Hao-Quan Zhang, Xin-Ran Song, Long-Fei Liu, Yu Jiang, Rong Chen, Qi Zhang, Yong-Qiao Chen, Hou-Jin Zhou, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2024. Effects of nanoplastics exposure on ingestion, life history traits, and dimethyl sulfide production in rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. Environmental Pollution, 344: 123308.

31. Juan Yu, Lei Yu, Zhen He, Gui-Peng Yang*, Jing-Guang Lai, Qian Liu, 2024. Spatial and seasonal variability in volatile organic sulfur compounds in seawater and the overlying atmosphere of the Bohai and Yellow seas. Biogeosciences 21: 161-176.

32. Xuan Ji, Ming-Liang Zhao, Jing Zhang*, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2024. Spatial variation in the optical and molecular properties of dissolved organic matter in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Progress in Oceanography, 220: 103192.

33. Xu-Xu Gao, Heng-Chang Liu, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2023. Occurrence and emissions of biogenic dimethylated sulfur compounds and their responses to mesoscale eddies and Typhoon Yutu in the western tropical Pacific Ocean. Progress in Oceanography, 219: 103151.

34. Jiang-Chen Gong, Bing-Han Li, Jing-Wen Hu, Xi-Ju Ding, Chun-Ying Liu*, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2023. Tidal effects on carbon dioxide emission dynamics in intertidal wetland sediments. Environmental Research, 238: 117110.

35. Yan Zhang, Dan-Dan Tan, Zhen He, Juan Yu, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2023. Dimethylated sulfur, methane and aerobic methane production in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128: e2023JC019736.

36. Gao-Bin Xu, Feng Xu, Xuan Ji, Jing Zhang*, Shi-Bo Yan, Shi-Hai Mao, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2023. Carbon monoxide cycling in the Eastern Indian Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128: e2022JC019411.

37. Juan Yu#, Su Wang#, Jing-Guang Lai, Ji-Yuan Tian, Hao-Quan Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Rong Chen, 2023. The effect of zooplankton on the distributions of dimethyl sulfide and dimethylsulfoniopropionate in the Bohai and Yellow Seas. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128: e2022JC019030.

38. Qian-Yao Ma, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2023. Roles of phytoplankton, microzooplankton, and bacteria in DMSP and DMS transformation processes in the East China Continental Sea. Progress in Oceanography, 213: 103003

39.  Shi-Bo Yan, Xiao-Jun Li, Feng Xu, Hong-Hai   Zhang*, Jian Wang, Yueqi Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Guang-Chao Zhuang, Zhaohui Chen, 2023. High-resolution distribution and emission of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and its relationship with pCO2 in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10: https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2023.1074474

40. Qian Liu, Yan Li, Hualong Wang*, Guipeng Yang*, Jinjun Kan, Mengyao Yang, Xiaowen Yu, Cui Guo, Min Wang, Wei Wang, Qingli Zhang, Jiancheng Zhu, Xianyong Zhao, Yong Jiang*, 2023. Assembly and network stability of planktonic microorganisms under the influence of salinity gradient: an Arctic case study from the Lena River Estuary to the Laptev Sea. Microbiology Spectrum,11(2): https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/spectrum.02115-22

41. Chong-Xiao Ji, Gui-Peng Yang*, Yan Chen, Zhen He*, Yan Li, Lin Zhang, 2023. Contrast the distribution, transformation, and degradation of dissolved and   particulate organic matter in the South Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, and its adjacent Kuroshio Current. Marine Chemistry, 248: 104210.

42. Feng Xu, Hong-Hai Zhang*, Shi-Bo Yan, Ming-Xin Sun, Jin-Wei Wu, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2023. Biogeochemical controls on climatically active gases and atmospheric sulfate aerosols in the western Pacific. Environmental Research, 220: 115211.

43. Lin Yang, Jing Zhang*, Anja Engel, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2022. Spatial-temporal distribution, photoreactivity and environmental control of dissolved organic matter in the sea-surface microlayer of the eastern marginal seas of China. Biogeosciences,19: 5251–5268.

44. Xiao-Yan Cao, Yuan-Zhe Ni, Jing Li, Ling Li, Yi-Lin Zhao, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2022. Sorption and distribution performance of Organophosphorus compound (Adenosine 5'-monophosphate) on marine sediments. Environmental Pollution, 311: 119993.

45. Chunying Liu, Lu Han, Li-Li Wang, Pei-Feng Li, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2022. Dimethylsulfoniopropionate,  dimethylsulfide, and acrylic acid of a typical semi-enclosed bay in the western Yellow Sea:  spatiotemporal variations and influencing factors. Marine Chemistry, 245: 104159.

46. Feng Xu, Hong-Hai Zhang*, Teng Jia, Shi-Bo Yan, Jin-Wei Wu, Chun-Ying Liu, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2022. Effects of phytoplankton on the production and emission of estuarine dimethyl sulfide under different nutrient inputs from Changjiang River. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127: e2021JC017983.

47. Yawen Zou, Zhen He, Chunying Liu, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2022. Spatiotemporal distribution and environmental control factors of halocarbons in the Yangtze River Estuary and its adjacent marine area during autumn and spring. Environmental Pollution, 304: 119244.

48. Juan Yu, Ji-Yuan Tian, Guang Gao, Rui Xu, Jing-Guang Lai, Gui-Peng   Yang*, 2022. Growth, DMS and DMSP production in Emiliania huxleyi under elevated CO2 and UV radiation. Environmental Pollution 294: 118643.

49. Juan Yu, Ming-Xin Sun, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2022. Occurrence and emissions of volatile sulfur compounds in the Changjiang Estuary and the adjacent East China Sea. Marine Chemistry, 238: 104062.

50. Juan Yu, Sheng-Hui Zhang, Ji-Yuan Tian, Zheng-Yu Zhang, Li-Jun Zhao, Rui Xu, Gui-Peng Yang*, Jing-Guang Lai, Xue-Dan Wang, 2021. Distribution and dimethylsulfoniopropionate degradation of dimethylsulfoniopropionate-consuming bacteria in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126: e2021JC017679.

51. Yawen Zou, Zhen He, Chun-Ying Liu, Qianqian Qi, Gui-Peng Yang*, Shihai Mao, 2021. Coastal observation of halocarbons in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea during winter: Spatial distribution and influence of different factors on the enzyme-mediated reactions. Environmental Pollution, 290: 118022.

52. Guipeng Yang, 2021. Commentary regarding simulated perturbation in the sea-to-air flux of dimethylsulfi de and the impact on polar climate. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 39 (2): 385-387.

53. Chong-Xiao Ji, Yan Chen, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2021. Seasonal variation, degradation and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter in the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent East China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126: e2020JC016648.

54. Xu-Xu Gao, Hong-Hai Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2021. Springtime spatial distributions of biogenic sulfur compounds in the Yangtze River Estuary and their responses to seawater acidification and dust. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126: e2020JG006142.

55. Yan Chen, Chun Hu, Gui-Peng Yang*, Xian-Chi Gao, Li-Min Zhou, 2021. Variation and reactivity of organic matter in the surface sediments of the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent East China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126: e2020JG005765.

56. Yan Li, Zhen He, Gui-Peng Yang*, Yawen Zou, 2021. Spatial distribution and biogeochemical cycling of methyl iodide in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea during summer. Environmental Pollution, 276: 116749.

57. Jian-Long Li, Xing Zhai, Ying-Cui Wu, Jian Wang, Hong-Hai Zhang*, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2021. Emissions and potential controls of light alkenes from the marginal seas of China. Science of the Total Environment, 758: 143655.

58. Cheng-Xuan Li, Kan Chen, Xia Sun, Bao-Dong Wang*, Gui-Peng Yang*, Yan Li, Lu Liu, 2021. Occurrence, distribution, and sea-air fluxes of volatile halocarbons in the upper ocean off the northern Antarctic Peninsula in summer. Science of the Total Environment, 758: 143947.

59. Yu Han, Zhen He*, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2021. Distributions of volatile halocarbons and impacts of ocean acidification on their production in coastal waters of China. Science of the Total Environment, 752: 141756.

60.  Juan Yu, Ji-Yuan Tian, Rui Xu, Zheng-Yu Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Xue-Dan Wang, Jing-Guang Lai, Rong Chen, 2020. Effects of microplastic exposure on ingestion, fecundity, development and dimethylsulfide production in Tigriopus japonicus   (Harpacticoida, Copepod). Environmental Pollution, 267: 115429.

61. Ze-Ming Zhang#, Jing Zhang#, Hong-Hai Zhang, Xi-Zhi Shi, Ya-Wen Zou, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2020. Pollution characteristics, spatial variability and potential risks of phthalate esters in the water-sediment system of the Yangtze River estuary and its adjacent East China Sea. Environmental Pollution, 265: 114913.

62. Shan-Shan Liu, Zhen He*, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2020. Bromoform, dibromochloromethane, and dibromomethane above the western Pacific Ocean and the East China Sea during autumn: Atmospheric distributions and oceanic emissions. Chemosphere, 257: 127151.

63. Haorui Liang, Lina Lyu, Chengjun Sun, Haibing Ding*, Eyal Wurgaft, Guipeng Yang*, 2020. Low-molecular-weight organic acids as important factors impacting on seawater acidification: A case study in theJiaozhou Bay, China. Science of the Total Environment, 727: 138458.

64.  Jian-Long Li, Sohiko Kameyama*, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2020. In-situ measurement of trace isoprene and dimethyl sulfide in seawater and oceanic atmosphere based on room temperature adsorption-thermal desorption. Marine Chemistry, 222: 103787.

65. Chun-Ying Liu, Gao-Bin Xu, Xue Deng, Hong-Hai Zhang, Tao Liu, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2020. Changes in concentrations of biogenic sulfur compounds in coastal waters off Qingdao during the Ulva prolifera bloom. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 152: 110940.

66. Ye Tian, Chao Xue, Chun-Ying Liu*, Gui-Peng Yang*, Pei-Feng Li, Wei-Hua Feng, and Hermann W. Bange, 2019. Nitric oxide (NO) in the Bohai and Yellow Seas. Biogeosciences, 16: 4485-4496.

67. Zhen He, Shan-Shan Liu, Jie Ni, Yan Chen, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2019. Spatio-temporal variability and sources of volatile halocarbons in the South Yellow Sea and   the East China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 149: 110583.

68. Shan Jian, Hong-Hai Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Guan-Lin Li, 2019. Variation of biogenic dimethylated sulfur compounds in the Changjiang River Estuary and the coastal East China Sea during spring and summer. Journal of Marine Systems 199, 103222.   

69. Juan Yu, Ji-Yuan Tian, Z.-Y. Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Hong-Ju, Chen, R. Xu and R. Chen, 2019. Role of Calanus sinicus (Copepoda, Calanoida) on dimethylsulfide and dimethylsulfoniopropionate production in Jiaozhou Bay. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124: 2481-2498.

70. Yan Li, Zhen He*, Gui-Peng Yang*, Hao Wang, Guang-Chao Zhuang, 2019. Volatile halocarbons in the marine atmosphere and surface seawater: Diurnal and spatial variations and influences of environmental factors. Atmospheric Environment, 214: 116820.

71. Hong-Hai Zhang, Xiao-Yan Cao*, He Wang, Zhun Ma, Jing Li, Li-Min Zhou, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2019. Effect of black carbon on sorption and desorption of phosphorus onto sediments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 146: 435-441.

72. Jing Zhang, Jing Wang, Guang-Chao Zhuang, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2019. Carbon monoxide cycle in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea: Spatial variability, sea-air exchange and biological consumption in autumn. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124: 4248-4257.

73.  Li-Na Lv, Daoming Lu, Chengjun Sun, Haibing Ding*, Liang-Min Yu, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2019. A new software of calculating the pH values of coastal seawater: Considering the effects of low molecular weight organic acids. Marine Chemistry, 211: 108-116.

74. Da Yuan, Zhen He, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2019. Spatiotemporal distributions of halocarbons in the marine boundary air and surface seawater of the Changjiang estuary and its adjacent East China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 140: 227-240.

75. Chong-Xiao Ji, Gui-Peng Yang*, Yan Chen, Peng-Yan Zhang, 2019. The distribution, degradation and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter in the East China Sea. Biogeochemistry, 142:189-207.

76. Xiao-Yan Cao*, Jia-Mei Zhu, Min Lu, Cheng-Feng Ge, Li-Min Zhou, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2019. Phosphorus sorption behavior on sediments in Sanggou Bay related with their compositions by sequential fractionation. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 169: 144-149.

77. Xing Zhai, Jian-Long Li, Hong-Hai Zhang, Dan-Dan Tan, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2019. Spatial distribution and biogeochemical cycling of dimethylated sulfur compounds and methane in the East China Sea during spring. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124: 1074-1090.

78.  Sheng-Hui Zhang, Juan Yu, Qiong-Yao Ding, Gui-Peng Yang*, Kun-Shan Gao, Hong-Hai Zhang, Da-Wei Pan, 2018. Effect of elevated pCO2 on trace gas production during an ocean acidification mesocosm experiment. Biogeosciences,15: 6649-6658.

79.  Qian-Wen Wang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Ze-Ming Zhang, Jing Zhang, 2018. Optimization of sample preparation and chromatography for the determination of perfluoroalkyl acids in sediments from the Yangtze Estuary and East China Sea. Chemosphere, 205: 524-530.

80.  Ze-Ming Zhang, Hong-Hai Zhang, Ya-Wen Zou, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2018. Distribution and ecotoxicological state of phthalate esters in the sea-surface microlayer, seawater and sediment of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. Environmental Pollution, 240: 235-247.

81. Wen-Zhuo Zhu, Jing Zhang*, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2018. Mixing behavior and photobleaching of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the Changjiang River estuary and the adjacent East China Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 207: 422-434.

82. Xing Zhai, Hong-Hai Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Jian-Long Li, Da Yuan, 2018. Distribution and sea-air fluxes of biogenic gases and relationships with phytoplankton and nutrients in the central basin of the South China Sea during summer. Marine Chemistry, 200: 33-44.

83. Wen-Zhuo Zhu, Hong-Hai Zhang, Jing Zhang*, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2018. Seasonal variation of chromophoric dissolved organic matter and relationships between fluorescent components, absorption coefficients and dissolved organic carbon in the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 180: 9-23.

84. Yan Chen, Gui-Peng Yang*, Chong-Xiao Ji, Hong-Hai Zhang, Peng-Yan Zhang, 2018. Sources and degradation of sedimentary organic matter in the mud belt of the East China Sea: Implications from the enantiomers of amino acids. Organic Geochemistry, 116: 51-61.

85. Pei-Feng Li, Gui-Peng Yang*, Jing Zhang, Maurice Levasseur, Chun-Ying Liu, Jing Sun, Wei Yang, 2018. Impacts of elevated pCO2 on trace gas emissions in two microalgae: Phaeocystis globosa and Nitzschia closterium. Environmental Chemistry, 14: 425-441.

86. Ze-Ming Zhang, Hong-Hai Zhang, Jing Zhang, Qian-Wen Wang, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2018. Occurrence, distribution, and ecological risks of phthalate esters in   the seawater and sediment of Changjiang River Estuary and its adjacent area. Science of the Total Environment, 619-620: 93-102.

87. Cheng-Xuan Li, Bao-Dong Wang*,Gui-Peng Yang*, Zi-Cheng Wang, Jian-Fang Chen, and Yang Lyu, 2017. Occurrence and turnover of biogenic sulfur in the Bering Sea during summer. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122(11): 8567–8592.

88. Chun-Ying Liu, Wei-Hua Feng, Ye Tian, Gui-Peng Yang*, Pei-Feng Li, Hermann W. Bange, 2017. Determination of dissolved nitric oxide in coastal waters of the Yellow Sea off Qingdao. Ocean Science, 13: 623-632.

89. Qian-Wen Wang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Ze-Ming Zhang, Shan Jian, 2017. Perfluoroalkyl acids in surface sediments of the East China Sea. Environmental Pollution, 231: 59-67.

90. Wen-Zhuo Zhu, Gui-Peng Yang*, Hong-Hai Zhang, 2017. Photochemical behavior of dissolved and colloidal organic matter in estuarine and oceanic waters. Science of the Total Environment, 607-608: 214-224.

91. Li-Na Lv, Chengjun Sun, Hong Jin, Zong-Li Liu, Yun-Hong He, Haibing Ding*, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2017. Annual variation of low-molecular-weight organic acids in the surface seawater of the Jiaozhou Bay. Marine Chemistry, 194: 43-54.

92. Jian-Long Li, Hong-Hai Zhang*, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2017. Distribution and sea-to-air flux of isoprene in the East China Sea and the South Yellow Sea during summer. Chemosphere, 178: 291-300.

93. Sheng-Hui Zhang, Jing Sun, Jing-Li Liu, Ning Wang, Hong-Hai Zhang, Xiao-Hua Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2017. Spatial distributions of dimethyl sulfur compounds, DMSP-lyase activity, and phytoplankton community in the East China Sea during fall. Biogeochemistry, 133: 59-72. 

94. Zhen He, Qiu-Lin Liu, Ying-Jie Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2017. Distribution and sea-to-air fluxes of volatile halocarbons in the Bohai Sea and North Yellow Sea during spring. Science of the Total Environment, 584-585: 546-553.

95. Cheng-Xuan Li, Gui-Peng Yang*, Bao-Dong Wang, Zongjun Xu, 2016. Vernal distribution and turnover of dimethylsulfide (DMS) in the surface water of the Yellow Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121: 7495-7516.

96. Peng-Yan Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Yan Chen, Wei-Song Leng, Chong-Xiao Ji, 2016. Temporal and spatial variations of particulate and dissolved amino acids in the East China Sea. Marine Chemistry, 186: 133-144.

97. Yan Chen, Gui-Peng Yang*, Qing-Yan Xia, Guan-Wei Wu, 2016. Enrichment and characterization of dissolved organic matter in the surface microlayer and subsurface water of the South Yellow Sea. Marine Chemistry, 182: 1-13.

98. Da Yuan, Gui-Peng Yang*, Zhen He, 2016. Spatio-temporal distributions of chlorofluorocarbons and methyl iodide in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary and its adjacent marine area. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 103: 247-259.

99. Yan Chen, Gui-Peng Yang*, Li Liu, Peng-Yan Zhang, Wei-Song Leng, 2016. Sources, behaviors and degradation of dissolved organic matter in the East China Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 155: 84-97.

100. Wei-Lei Wang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Xiao-Lan Lu, 2015. Carbon monoxide distribution and microbial consumption in the Southern Yellow Sea. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 163B: 125-133.

101. Yan Zhang, Hong-Hai Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Qiu-Lin Liu, 2015. Chemical characteristics and source analysis of aerosol composition over the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea in spring and autumn. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 72: 3563-3573.

102. Bin Yang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Xiao-Lan Lu, Li Li, Zhen He, 2015. Distributions and sources of volatile chlorocarbons and bromocarbons in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 95: 491-502.   

103. YANG Gui-Peng*, LI Li, LU Xiao-Lan, ZHANG Liang, 2015. Distributions and sea-to-air fluxes of volatile halocarbons in the southern Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(2): 9-20.

104. Gui-Peng Yang*, Sheng-Hui Zhang, Hong-Hai Zhang, Jian Yang, Chun-Ying Liu, 2015. Distribution of biogenic sulfur in the Bohai Sea and northern Yellow Sea and its contribution to atmospheric sulphate aerosol in the late fall. Marine Chemistry, 169: 23-32.

105. Bao-Zhen Zhao, Gui-Peng Yang*, Huixiang Xie, Xiao-Lan Lu, 2015. Distribution, flux and photoproduction of carbon monoxide in the Bohai and Yellow Seas. Marine Chemistry, 168: 104-113.

106. Gui-Peng Yang*, Yi-Zhu Song, Hong-Hai Zhang, Cheng-Xuan Li, Guan-Wei Wu, 2014. Seasonal variation and biogeochemical cycling of dimethylsulfide (DMS) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119: 8897-8915.  

107. Gui-Peng Yang*, Bin Yang, Xiao-Lan Lu, Haibing Ding, Zhen He, 2014. Spatio-temporal variations of sea surface halocarbon concentrations and fluxes from the southern Yellow Sea. Biogeochemistry, 121: 369-388.

108. Sheng-Hui Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Hong-Hai Zhang, Jian Yang, 2014. Spatial variation of biogenic sulfur in the south Yellow Sea and the East China Sea during summer and its contribution to atmospheric sulfate aerosol. Science of the Total Environment, 488-489: 157-167.

109. Gui-Peng Yang*, Xin Wang, Hong-Hai Zhang, Chun-Ying Liu, 2014. Temporal and spatial variations of dimethylsulfoxide in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. Journal of Sea Research, 90: 33-43.

110. Qihua Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, 2014. Anatomical selenium speciation in bay scallops by high performance liquid chromatography separation and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry detection after complete enzymatic hydrolysis of the tissues. Journal of Chromatography A, 1325: 83-91. 

111. Jing Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Quan Li, Xiaoyan Cao, Guangxin Liu, 2013. Study on sorption behaviour of estrone on marine sediments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 76: 220-226.

112. Zhen He, Gui-Peng Yang*, Xiao-Lan Lu, Qiong-Yao Ding, Hong-Hai Zhang, 2013. Halocarbons in the marine atmosphere and surface seawater of the South Yellow Sea during   spring. Atmospheric Environment, 80: 514-523.

113. Zhen He, Gui-Peng Yang*, Xiao-Lan Lu, Hong-Hai Zhang, 2013. Distributions and sea-to-air fluxes of volatile halocarbons in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea in spring. Environmental Pollution, 177: 28-37.

114. Zhen He, Gui-Peng Yang*, Xiao-Lan Lu, 2013. Distributions and sea-to-air fluxes of volatile halocarbons in the East China Sea in early winter. Chemosphere, 90: 747-757.

115. Hong-Hai Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Chun-Ying Liu, Lu-Ping Su, 2013. Chemical characteristics of aerosol compositions over the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea in autumn. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 70(6): 1784-1794.

116. Yang Gui-Peng*, Zhuang Guang-Chao, Hong-Hai Zhang, Yuan Dong, Jian Yang, 2012. Distribution of dimethylsulfide and dimethylsulfoniopropionate in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea during spring: spatio-temporal variability and controlling   factors. Marine Chemistry, 138-139: 21-31.

117. Jie Yang, Gui-Peng Yang, 2011. Distribution of dissolved and particulate dimethylsulfoxide in the East China Sea in winter. Marine Chemistry, 127: 199-209.

118. Gui-Peng Yang*, Haiyan Ding,Xiaoyan Cao, Qiong-Yao Ding, 2011. Sorption behavior of nonylphenol on marine sediments: Effect of temperature, medium, sediment organic carbon and surfactant. Marine Pollution Bulletin 62: 2362-2369.

119. Xiaoyan Cao, Huayu Han, Guipeng Yang*, Xiaofei Gong, Jianning Jing, 2011. The sorption behavior of DDT onto sediment in the presence of surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62: 2370-2376.

120. Gui-Peng Yang*, Chun-Yan Ren, Xiao-Lan Lu, Chun-Ying Liu, Hai-Bing Ding, 2011. Distribution, flux and photoproduction of carbon monoxide in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea in spring. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116: C02001.

121. Gui-Peng Yang*, Xuan Zheng, 2010. Studies on the sorption behaviors of phenanthrene on marine sediments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 29(10): 2169-2176.

122. Gui-Peng Yang*, Wei-Lei Wang, Xiao-Lan Lu, Chun-Yan Ren, 2010. Distribution, flux and biological consumption of carbon monoxide in the Southern Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Marine Chemistry, 122: 74-82.

123. Chun-Ying Liu, Xiao-Man Yang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Li-Min Zhou, Pei-Feng Li, 2010. Composition and characterization of colloidal organic matter in the coastal surface waters of Qingdao, China. Marine Chemistry, 121:123-131.

124. Gui-Peng Yang*, Yan-Ping Zhang, Xiao-Lan Lu, Hai-Bing Ding, 2010. Distributions and seasonal variations of dissolved carbohydrates in Jiaozhou Bay, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 88: 12-20.

125. Gui-Peng Yang*, Qiang Chen, Xin-Xin Li, Xiao-Yan Cao, 2010. Study on the sorption behaviors of Tween-80 on marine sediments. Chemosphere, 79(11) : 1019-1025.

126. Xiao-Lan Lu, Gui-Peng Yang*, Gui-Sheng Song, Liang Zhang, 2010. Distributions and fluxes of methyl chloride and methyl bromide in the East China Sea and the Southern Yellow Sea in Autumn. Marine Chemistry, 118: 75-84.

127. Gui-Peng Yang*, Yan Chen, Xian-Chi Gao, 2009. Distribution of dissolved free amino acids, dissolved inorganic nitrogen and chlorophyll a in the surface microlayer and subsurface water of the Yellow Sea, China. Continental Shelf Research, 29: 1737-1747.

128. Gui-Peng Yang*, Maurice Levasseur, Sonia Michaud, Anissa Merzouk, Martine Lizotte, Michael Scarratt, 2009. Distribution of dimethylsulfide (DMS) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and its relation with phytoneuston in the surface microlayer of the western North Atlantic during summer. Biogeochemistry, 94: 243-254.

129. Gui-Peng Yang*, Hong-Hai Zhang, Lu-Ping Su, Li-Min Zhou, 2009. Biogenic emission of dimethylsulfide (DMS) from the North Yellow Sea, China and its contribution to sulfate in aerosol during summer. Atmospheric Environment, 43: 2196-2203.

130. Gui-Peng Yang*, Wei-Wen Jing, Zhi-Qiang Kang, Hong-Hai Zhang, Gui-Sheng Song, 2008. Spatial variations of dimethylsulfide and dimethylsulfoniopropionate in the surface microlayer and in the subsurface waters of the South China Sea during springtime. Marine Environmental Research, 65: 85-97.

131. Yang, G.-P.*, Tsunogai, S., Watanabe, S., 2006. Complexation of dimethylsulfide with heavy metal ions in aqueous solutions. Journal of Oceanography, 62(4): 473-480.

132. Gui-Peng Yang*, Wei-Wen Jing, Li Li, Zhi-Qiang Kang, Gui-Sheng Song, 2006. Distribution of dimethylsulfide and   dimethylsulfoniopropionate in the surface microlayer and subsurface water of the Yellow Sea, China during spring. Journal of Marine Systems, 62: 22-34.

133. Yang G.-P.*, Zhao, X.-K., Sun, X.-J., Lu, X.-L., 2005. Oxidative degradation of diethyl phthalate by the photochemically enhanced Fenton reaction. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 126: 112-118.

134. Yang G.-P.*, Yu-Hui Zhao, Xiao-Lan Lu, and Xian-Chi Gao, 2005. Adsorption of methomyl on marine sediments. Colloids and Surfaces A, 264: 179-186.

135. Yang, G.-P.*, Levasseur, M., Michaud, S., Scarratt, M., 2005. Biogeochemistry of dimethylsulfide (DMS) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) in the surface microlayer and subsurface water of the western North Atlantic during spring. Marine Chemistry96: 315-329.

136. Yang, G.-P.*, Tsunogai, S., 2005.Biogeochemistry of DMS and DMSP in the surface microlayer of the western North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research, I. 52: 553-567.

137. Yang, G.-P.*, Tsunogai, S., Watanabe, S., 2005. Biogeochemistry of DMSP in the surface microlayer and subsurface seawater of Funka Bay, Japan. Journal of Oceanography, 61: 69-78.   

138. Yang, G.-P.*, Tsunogai, S., Watanabe, S., 2005. Biogenic sulfur distribution and cycling in the surface microlayer and subsurface water of Funka Bay and its adjacent area. Continental Shelf Research, 25: 557-570.

139. Zhao, X.-K., Yang G.-P.*, Wang, Y.-J., Gao, X.-C., 2004. Photochemical degradation of dimethyl phthalate by Fenton reagent. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 161: 215-220.

140. Wu, P., Yang, G.-P.*, Zhao, X.-K., 2003. Sorption behavior of 2,4-dichlorophenol on marine sediment. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 265: 251-256.

141. Zhao, X.-K., Yang G.-P.*, Gao, X.-C., 2003. Study on the sorption behaviors of nitrobenzene on marine sediments. Chemosphere, 52: 917-925.

142. Zhao, X.-K., Yang G.-P.*, 2002. Study on the sorption of 2-naphthol on marine sediments. Colloids and Surfaces A, 211: 259-266.

143. Yang G.-P.*, Watanabe, S., Tsunogai, S., 2001. Distribution and cycling of dimethylsulfide in surface microlayer and subsurface seawater. Marine Chemistry 76: 137-153.

144. Zhao, X.-K., Yang G.-P.*, Wu, P., Li, N.-H., 2001. Study on adsorption of chlorobenzene on marine sediments. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 243: 273-279.

145. Yang, G.-P.*, 2000. Spatial distribution of dimethylsulfide in the South China Sea. Deep-Sea Research, I. 47: 177-192.

146. Yang, G.-P.*, Zhang, J.-W., Li, L., Qi, J.-L., 2000. Dimethylsulfide in the surface water of the East China Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 20: 69-82.

147. Yang, G.-P.*, 2000. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the sediments of the South China Sea. Environmental Pollution, 108: 163-171.

148. Yang, G.-P.*, Liu, X.-T., Li, L., Zhang, Z.-B., 1999. Biogeochemistry of dimethylsulfide in the South China Sea. Journal of Marine Research, 57: 189-211.

149. Yang, G.-P.*, 1999. Dimethylsulfide enrichment in the surface microlayer of the South China Sea. Marine Chemistry, 66: 215–224.

150. Yang, G.-P.*, Liu, X.-L., Zhang, J.-W., 1998. Distribution of dibenzothiophene in the sediments of the South China Sea. Environmental Pollution, 101: 405-414.

151. Yang, G.-P.*, Zhang, Z.-B., 1997. Adsorption of dibenzothiophene on marine sediments treated by a sequential procedure. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 192: 398-407.

152. 杨桂朋等,中国近海二甲基硫化物的生物地球化学。科学出版社,北京。2022 年,474页,72万字。