
Li Keqiang


李克强 / Li Keqiang


















2018.01-至今,    中国海洋大学,海洋化学理论与工程技术教育部重点实验室/化学化工学院,







Ø  中国海洋工程咨询协会海洋生态环境监测分会副会长(2022.07-至今)

Ø  中国海洋湖沼学会水环境分会委员(2023.06-至今)

Ø  IMBeR Eutrophiction Group成员(2022.07-至今)

Ø  海洋科学进展编委(2022.11-至今)


Ø  2022年度山东省海洋科技创新奖一等奖1项(位4

Ø  第十九届中国海洋大学“天泰优秀人才奖”二等奖

Ø  第十三届中国海洋大学“五四青年奖”


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:溶解有机氮年周期老化过程对海湾硅藻-甲藻演替的调节作用(42476145),2025.01-2028.12,主持,48万元;

2. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目:参加海洋科学技术研讨会(42381260312),主持,5.4万元;

3. 崂山实验室科技创新项目课题:山东近海多污染物协同防治关键技术与综合技术体系(LSKJ202203904),2022.02-2025.01,主持,210万元;

4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:渤海浮游植物群落结构转变的营养盐作用机制研究(42130403),2022.01-2026.12,主持,373万元;

5. 山东省重大科技创新工程项目:山东近海环境高效治理关键技术方法研究与示范(2019JZZY020705),2019.11-2021.12,主持,350万元;

6. 国家基金委-山东联合基金重点项目:多重人为压力下莱州湾生态环境的演变趋势和调控原理(U1706215),2018.1-2022.12,子课题负责人,80万元;

7. 国家重点研发计划课题:典型致灾赤潮的早期诊断、监测预警与风险评估(2017YFC1404304),2017.07-2021.06,子课题负责人,38万元;

8. 国家重点研发计划课题:富营养化关键过程及其对浒苔绿潮形成的驱动机制(2016YFC1402101),2016.09-2021.06,子课题负责人,10万元;

9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:陆源DON的生物可利用性及其对近海富营养化的贡献(41676062),2017.01-2020.12,主持,84万元;

10. 国家自然科学基金委-山东省人民政府联合资助海洋科学研究中心项目:海洋生态与环境科学方向五近海环境污染、效应及其控制理论与方法--近海环境容量及污染调控对策(U1606404),2017.12-2019.12,子课题负责人,40万元;

11. 国家自然科学基金委-山东省人民政府联合资助海洋科学研究中心项目:海洋生态与环境科学方向五近海环境污染、效应及其控制理论与方法--近海环境容量及污染调控对策(U1406403),2014.1-2017.12,子课题负责人,55万元;

12. 山东省重点研发计划项目:山东近海水质超标严重海域高效治理技术方法研究(2018GHY115005),2018.05-2019.12,主持,20万元;

13. 中央高校基本科研费关键核心技术项目:渤海生态环境陆海气一体化防治关键技术方法研究(201962008),2019.08-2021.12,主持,150万元;

14. 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目:渤海陆源氮和磷污染物生物地球化学过程陆-海协同控制机制及容量分配的精准化研究(41340046),2014,主持,20万元;

15. 国家科技支撑计划项目:渤海水交换与环境容量评价技术研究(2010BAC69B01),2010.01-2012.12,子课题负责人,76万元。




1. 王修林,李克强,石晓勇,胶州湾主要化学污染物海洋环境容量,科学出版社, 2006.

2. 王修林,李克强,渤海主要化学污染物海洋环境容量,科学出版社, 2006.

3. 李克强,梁生康,段克,深化陆海统筹健全近海生态环境业务化监测体系,赵进平编,护海实策(第六辑),中国海洋大学出版社,2024p23-55.

4. 曾翠, 李克强*, 张现盛, 赵婧, 所芳屹, 王修林. 一种鸡粪来源溶解有机氮在天然海水中不同降解阶段生物可利用性及其组分结构特征. 海洋与湖沼,2024, 55 (3): 675-690

5. 赵宇,李克强*,孙珊,陈衎,谭光深,张娟,王修林. 渤海氮磷营养盐和叶绿素浓度时空分布数值模拟与富营养化评估. 海洋与湖沼,2024, 55 (1): 118-134

6. Xiansheng Zhang, Kunlong Yu, Min Li, Heng Jiang, Weimin Gao, Jing Zhao, Keqiang Li*. Diatom-dinoflagellate succession in the Bohai Sea: The role of N/P ratios and dissolved organic nitrogen components. Water Research 2024, 251, 121150.   doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2024. 121150

7. Kan Chen, Eric P. Achterberg*, Keqiang Li*, Jingyu Zhang, Ming Xin, Xiulin Wang. Governance pathway for coastal eutrophication based on regime shifts in diatom-dinoflagellate composition of the Bohai and Baltic Seas. Water Research 2024, 250, 121042. doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2023. 121042

8. Lin-Jian Ou, Zhou Wang, Guang-Mao Ding, Feng-Xian Ha, Jin-Yi Cen, Xin-Feng Dai, Ke-Qiang Li*, Song-Hui Lu*. Organic nutrient availability and extracellular enzyme activities influence harmful algal bloom proliferation in a coastal aquaculture area. Aquaculture 2024, 582, 740530. doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2023. 740530

9. Yanqun Yang, Keqiang Li*, Shengkang Liang, Guohong Lin, Cheng Liu, Jixin Li, Linping Xie, Yanbin Li, Xiulin Wang. 2024. A simulation-optimization approach based on the compound eutrophication index to identify multi-nutrient allocated load. Science of the Total Environment 906, 167626. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023. 167626

10. Kan Chen, Keqiang Li*, Guohong Lin, Dongliang Lu, Min Li, Xiurong Han, Shan Sun, Juan Zhang, Xiulin Wang. Modulation effects of different dissolved nitrogen compositions on the phytoplankton community structure based on combined field experiments and the NbPD model in Jiaozhou Bay. Journal of Sea Research 2023, 194, 102391. doi.org/10.1016/j.seares.2023. 102391

11. Weimin Gao, Aiquan Dai, Jialin Wu, Yanbin Li, Jin Hou*, Xiulin Wang, Keqiang Li*. Hydrological status of the Dagu River Basin and management suggestions based on soil and water assessment tool multi‑station calibration. Applied Water Science 2023, 13:97. doi.org/10.1007/s13201-023-01900-x

12. Xiansheng Zhang, Guangming Zhen, Xiaoru Cui, Yulan Zeng, Weimin Gao, Kunlong Yu, Keqiang Li*. Effect of dissolved organic nutrients on the bloom of Prorocentrum donghaiense in the East China Sea coastal water. Marine Environmental Research 2023, 183, 105841. doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2022. 105841

13. Kan Chen, Keqiang Li*, Peiyi Gao, Ping Wang, Xiurong Han, Yanan Chen, and Xiulin Wang. 2022. Was dissolved nitrogen regime driving diatom to dinoflagellate shift in the Bohai sea? Evidences from microcosm experiment and modeling reproduction. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 2022, 127, e2021JG006737. doi.org/10.1029/2021JG006737

14. Xiansheng Zhang, Shanqiao Chen, Xiurong Han, Rongguo Su, Chuansong Zhang, Shengkang Liang, Rui Yang, Xiulin Wang, Keqiang Li*. Effects of organic nitrogen components from terrestrial input on the phytoplankton community in Jiaozhou Bay. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2022, 150, 113316. doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.113316

15. Rui Yang, Shanqiao Chen, Xiansheng Zhang, Rongguo Su, Chuansong Zhang, Shengkang Liang, Xiurong Han, Xiulin Wang, Keqiang Li*. Influences of the hydrophilic components of two anthropogenic dissolved organic nitrogen groups on phytoplankton growth in Jiaozhou Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2021, 169: 112551. doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112551

16. Gao Peiyi, Wang Ping, Chen Shanqiao, Bi Wenjing, Lu Shan, He Jian, Wang Xiulin, and Li Keqiang*. 2020. Effect of ambient nitrogen on the growth of phytoplankton in the Bohai Sea: Kinetics and parameters. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 2020, 125: e2020JG005643. doi.org/10.1029/2020JG00564

17. Lin Guohong, Xu Xuefeng, Wang Ping, Liang Shengkang, Li Yanbin, Su Ying, Li Keqiang*, Wang Xiulin. Methodology for forecast and control of coastal harmful algal blooms by embedding a compound eutrophication index into the ecological risk index. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 735: 139404. doi: org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020. 139404

18.  Chen Yanan, Song Dehai, Li Keqiang*, Gu Linan, Wei Aihong, Wang Xiulin. Hydro-biogeochemical modeling of the early-stage outbreak of green tide (Ulva prolifera) driven by land-based nutrient loads in the Jiangsu coast. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2020, 153: 111028. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020. 111028.

19.  Li Keqiang*, Li Min, He Yunfeng, Gu Xingyan, Pang Kai, Ma Yunpeng, Lu Dongliang. Effects of pH and nitrogen form on Nitzschia closterium growth by linking dynamic with enzyme activity. Chemosphere 2020, 249: 126154. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126154.

20.  Li Min, Li Keqiang*, Chen Kan, Liu Cuicui, Ma Yunpeng, Wang Xiulin. Size-based bioavailability of land-based DON and its impact on eutrophication of Jiaozhou bay. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2020, 152: 110898. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.110898.

21.  Lin Guohong, Li Keqiang*, Liang Shengkang, Li Yanbin, Su Ying, Wang Xiulin. Compound eutrophication index: An integrated approach for assessing ecological risk and identifying the critical element controlling harmful algal blooms in coastal seas. Marine Pollution Bulletin   2020, 150: 110585. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019. 110585.

22.  Ke Duan, Keqiang Li*, Shengkang Liang, Yanbin Li, Ying Su, Xiulin Wang. Optimizing a coastal monitoring network using a water-quality response grid (WRG)-based sampling design for improved reliability and efficiency. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019, (145): 480-489.

23. Keqiang Li*, Cuicui Liu, Yunpeng Ma, Xiulin Wang. Land-based dissolved organic nitrogen dynamics and bioavailability in Jiaozhou Bay, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2019, 220: 13-24.

24. Yan Wang, Dehai Song, Keqiang Li*, Ying Su, Shengkang Liang, Yanbin Li, XiulinWang. Calculation of city total maximum allocated load of total nitrogen for jurisdictions in Qingdao, China: A water quality-based modeling approach. Science of the Total Environment 2019, (652): 455-470.

25. Ying Su, Keqiang Li*, Shengkang Liang, Shan Lu, YanWang, Aiquan Dai, Yanbin Li, Dongsheng Ding, XiulinWang. Improved simulation-optimization approach for identifying critical and developable pollution source regions and critical migration processes for pollutant load allocation. Science of the Total Environment 2019, (646): 1336-1348.

26. Ying Su, Keqiang Li*, Bo Yang, Shengkang Liang, Xiulin Wang, Xianwen Bao, Wensheng Jiang, Yanbin Li. Improving land-based total nitrogen load allocation using a variable response matrix-based simulation-optimization approach: A case study. Ecological Indicators 2018, (91): 575-588.

27.  Keqiang Li*, Jian He, Junlong Li, Quan Guo, Shengkang Liang, Yanbin Li, Xiulin Wang. Linking water quality with the total pollutant load control management for nitrogen in Jiaozhou Bay, China. Ecological Indicators 2018, (85): 57-66.

28. Yan Wang, Keqiang Li*, Yan Li, Shan Lu, Baodong Wang, Xiulin Wang. Assessing the total maximum allocated load of jurisdiction petroleum pollutants in the Bohai Sea. Ocean & Coastal Management. 2018, (151): 150-164.

29. Keqiang Li*,Yunpeng MaAiquan DaiXiulin WangDegradation dynamics and bioavailability of land-based dissolved organic nitrogen in the Bohai Sea: Linking experiment with modeling. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2017, (124): 856-870.

30. Xingyan GuKeqiang Li*Kai PangYunpeng MaXiulin WangEffects of pH on the growth and NH4-Nuptake of   Skeletonema costatum and Nitzschia closterium. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2017   (124): 946-952.

31. Shuping Wang, Keqiang Li*, Shengkang Liang, Peng Zhang, Guohong Lin, Xiulin Wang. An integrated method for the control factor identification of resources and environmental carrying capacity in coastal zones: A case study in Qingdao, China. Ocean & Coastal Management 2017, (142): 90-97.

32. Dongliang Lu, Keqiang Li*, Shengkang Liang, Guohong Lin, XiulinWang. A coastal three-dimensional water quality model of nitrogen in Jiaozhou Bay linking field experiments with modelling. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2017, 114(1): 53-63.

33. Aiquan DaiKeqiang Li*Dongsheng DingYan LiShengkang LiangYanbin LiYing SuXiulin WangTotal maximum allocated load calculation of nitrogen pollutants by linking a 3D biogeochemical–hydrodynamic model with a programming model in Bohai Sea. Continental Shelf Research 2015, 111: 197-210.

34. Keqiang Li*, Li ZhangYan LiLongjun ZhangXiulin WangA three-dimensional water quality model to evaluate the environmental capacity of nitrogen and phosphorus in Jiaozhou Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin201591(1): 306-316.

35. Martha GledhillEric P. AchterbergKeqiang LiKhairul N. MohamedMicha J.A. RijkenbergInfluence of ocean acidification on the complexation of iron and copper by organic ligands in estuarine waters. Marine Chemistry 2015, 177: 421-433.

36.  Li Keqiang*, Shi Xiaoyong, Bao xianwen, Ma qimin, Wang Xiulin. Modeling Total Maximum Allocated Loads for Heavy Metals in Jinzhou Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2014. 85(2): 659-664.

37. Ying Su, Xiulin Wang, Li Keqiang*, Shengkang Liang, Guodong Qian, Hong Jin, Aiquan Dai. Estimation methods and monitoring network issues in the quantitative estimation of land-based COD and TN loads entering the sea: a case study in Qingdao City, China. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2014, 21: 10067-10082.

38.  Li Keqiang & Wang Xiulin. Calculation methodology of marine environmental capacity for heavy metal: A case study in Jiaozhou Bay, China. Chinese Science Bulletin 2013. 58(2): 282-287.

39. Han Hongyan, Li Keqiang*, Wang Xiulin, Shi Xiaoyong, Qiao Xudong, Liu Jing. Environmental capacity of nitrogen and phosphorus pollutions in Jiaozhou Bay, China: modeling and assessing. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2011, 63: 262-266.