

 2018211-16日,海洋科学大会(Ocean Sciences MeetingOSM)在美国波特兰市召开。海洋科学大会起始于1982年,由美国地球物理协会(AGU)和美国海洋与湖沼协会(ASLO)主办,每两年举办一次,是全球重要的海洋科学会议。大会共设置20多个专题,包括“Biogeochemistry and Nutrients”、“Coastal Dynamics”、“Chemical Tracers, Organic Matter and Trace Elements”、“Microbiology and Molecular Ecology”、“Estuarine Processes”和“Marine Geology and Sedimentology”等。


会议期间,作为国际SOLAS科学指导委员会的委员,张桂玲教授还参加了该委员会的工作讨论会,并参加了SCOR143工作组召开的海洋溶解N2OCH4气体测定技术国际互校工作会议。同时,会议期间ASLO还为2017年新当选的会士(ASLO Fellows)颁发了证书,海洋化学创新引智基地学术大师美国佛罗里达大学地质系讲席教授Thomas Bianchi以其在水生系统碳循环领域的突出贡献而入选。



赵美训:The provenance of organic matter in Chinese Marginal Sea sediments from Hydrogen Isotopes in lipid biomarkers(口头报告)

姚鹏:Greening of the Yellow River: Causes and consequences(专题特邀口头报告)

赵彬:The effects of sedimentary regimes on the remineralization of sedimentary organic carbon in mud deposits of marginal seas(口头报告)

张桂玲:High-resolution distributions of O2/Ar in the northern South China Sea and estimate of net community production(墙报)

丁杨:The effects of temperatures and nutrient supply ratios on the abundance and POC of typical marine phytoplankton species(墙报)

徐昭萌:Live benthic foraminifera in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea: vertical distribution, nitrate storage, and potential denitrification(墙报)