10月13-15日,有机碳循环和生物地球化学国际研讨会(International Workshop on Organic Carbon Cycle and Biogeochemistry in Marginal Seas)在中国海洋大学成功举行。
本次研讨会由中国海洋大学赵美训教授、王旭晨教授、美国佛罗里达大学Thomas S. Bianchi教授和瑞士联邦理工学院Timothy I. Eglinton教授共同组织发起,由国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目“海洋有机生物地球化学(41221004)”、高等学校学科创新引智计划“海洋化学”创新引智基地(B13030)与海洋化学理论与工程技术教育部重点实验室、青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室共同资助。会议邀请了来自德国亥姆霍兹中心极地与海洋研究所的Ruediger Stein教授、美国华盛顿大学的Julian Sachs教授、纽约州立大学石溪分校Cindy Lee教授、美国欧道明大学David Burdige教授、厦门大学戴民汉教授、同济大学张传伦教授和中科院植物所冯晓娟研究员等来自不同国家的20余位专家和学者。中国海洋大学校长于志刚教授出席会议并致欢迎词,国家自然科学基金委地球科学部任建国处长、中科院广州地化所彭平安院士作为特邀嘉宾出席。创新研究群体项目组、海化重点实验室和国内其他单位百余名师生参加了研讨会。
(通讯员:姚鹏 李昂)
瑞士联邦理工学院Timothy Eglinton教授作报告
1. River fluxes
Timothy Eglinton:Watershed to the global-scale perspectives of terrestrial carbon export and fate
Ying Wu:Temporal and spatial variation of riverine organic matter links to climate change and anthropogenic activities
Xuchen Wang:Carbon isotopic (14C and 13C) constrains of organic carbon and black carbon transported by the Yellow River
Xiaojuan Feng:Radiocarbon characteristics of sedimentary carbon components across the pan-Arctic rivers
2. Estuary and coastal processes
Thomas Bianchi:Transport dynamics and "hotspots" of carbon burial in estuarine systems
Wei-Jun Cai:Carbon dioxide and oxygen fluxes and net ecosystem metabolic balances in coastal waters: a case study in the Delaware estuary
Zhigang Guo:Source to sink processes of sedimentary organic components in the East China Marginal Seas
Rui Bao:Widespread dispersal and aging of organic carbon in shallow marginal seas
3. Marginal sea biogeochemical processes
Minhan Dai:On the POC export in oceanic regimes influenced by meso-scale eddies
Chuanlun Zhang:Biogeochemistry and geomicrobiology of archaea in marginal sea sediments
Jeomshik Hwang:Particulate organic carbon production and preservation in the Amundsen Shelf, Antarctic
Kyung-Hoon Shin:Biogeochemical signatures of methane cycles in the marginal sea sediments
Sumei Liu:Human impact on the biogeochemistry of nutrients in the Chinese estuaries
4. Sedimentary processes and records
Sarah Feakins:Pliocene reconstructions for northeast Africa: multi-proxy biomarker records from the Gulf of Aden
David Burdige:Sediments as sources of refractory DOC to the coastal and open ocean
Ruediger Stein:Present and past sedimentary organic carbon records in the Arctic Ocean: Processes, variability, and significance
Thomas Wagner:Biogeochemical processes in tropical forest watersheds: novel concepts on DOC cycling in headwaters and wetland dynamics traced from deep sea biomarker records
5. Marginal sea-Open ocean exchange and open ocean processes
Lihini Aluwihare: Partitioning of Carbon into DOC and POC during primary production in the California Current Ecosystem / Are Terpenoids The Major Class of Terrestrial DOC transported from Land to Ocean?
Julian Sachs: Galápagos climate over the last 2 kyr from H isotopes in paired algal and mangrove lipids from coastal pond sediments
Jianfang Chen:Biogeochemical fluxes in the deep South China Sea based on sediment traps
Cindy Lee:Do marine particles exchange with each other, and if so: How?
Xinyu Guo:Material exchange between a shelf sea and the Kuroshio and the downstream transport of nutrients along the Kuroshio
6. Future trends and focus