

    毕蓉博士阶段师从国际知名浮游生物学家Ulrich Sommer教授对海洋微藻-浮游动物层面物质能量传递进行研究。在研究过程中, 深化了对海洋生态系统中藻类-浮游动物层面知识的理解。通过研究掌握了实验室条件下浮游微藻和浮游动物的培养方法;学会使用CN自动分析仪和高效气相色谱仪等仪器对生物的化学计量学(,,磷含量)和生物化学 (脂肪酸组成)组成进行分析;能用定量测量的方法对营养盐的变化对海洋藻类及浮游动物的影响进行研究, 进而评估其对整个生态系统的影响。


Rong Bi and Ulrich Sommer. The effect of food quantity and food quality on elemental and biochemical trophic transfer in marine plankton: an experimental approach. (Under review)

Rong Bi, You Wang, Renjun Wang, Wei Li, Xuexi Tang, Effects of anthracene on the interacitons between Platymonashelgolandica var. tsingtaoensis and Heterosigmaakashiwo in laboratory cultures, Journal of Ocean University of China, Accepted.

Rong Bi, Carmen Arndt, Ulrich SommerLinking elements to biochemical: effects of nutrient supply ratios and growth rates on fatty acid composition of phytoplankton species, Journal of Phycology, 50(1), pp: 117-130, 2014

Rong Bi, Carmen Arndt, Ulrich Sommer, Stoichiometric responses of phytoplankton species to the interactive effect of nutrient supply ratios and growth rates, Journal of Phycology, 48(3), pp: 539-549, 2012