发布人:姚鹏  发布时间:2018-11-30   浏览次数:595












  • 分析化学

  • 分析化学实验

  • 无机及分析化学实验



  • 海洋同位素化学

  • 河流、河口、近岸的铀、钍等天然放射性同位素的含量、分布、形态以及它们的迁移、转化、归宿和对环境的影响。

  • 海洋沉积物及间隙水中的氧化还原敏感元素的含量、迁移转化及对氧化还原环境的指示意义。


  1. 莱州湾南岸地下卤水高浓度溶解铀的形成及其氧化还原环境的重建(NSFC41876077);国家自然科学基金面上项目;起止年月:2019.01-2022.12;经费74.4万元;主持。

  2. 天然及人造洪水对黄河口铀的存在形态及入海通量的影响(NSFC41376085);国家自然科学基金面上项目;起止年月:2014.01-2017.12;经费:85万元;主持。

  3. 镭同位素示踪风暴潮对莱州湾南岸地下卤水影响的研究(ZR2011DM010);山东省自然科学基金面上项目;起止年月:2011.07-2014.07; 经费:7万元;主持。

  4. 东海陆架边缘海域水团结构及其向黑潮的物质输出研究(NSFC41530965);经费来源:国家自然科学基金重点项目;起止年月:2016.01-2020.12,经费359万;参与。

  5. 海底地下水排放对黄河口营养盐的贡献(NSFC 41576075);国家自然科学基金面上项目;起止年月:2016.01-2019.12,经费81.6万;参与。

  6. 多参数示踪调水调沙影响下的黄河口海底地下水排放过程(NSFC 41206064);国家自然科学基金青年基金;起止年月:2013.01-2015.12,经费25万元;参与。

  7. 长江口及邻近海域底边界层生物地球化学过程研究(NSFC40920164004);国家自然科学基金重点项目;起止年月:2010.01-2013.12,经费150万;参与。

  8. 中国东海典型边缘海沉积物中硫的早期成岩循环及制约因素(NSFC41076045);国家自然科学基金面上项目;起止年月:2010.01-2013.12,经费50万;参与。


  1. Jiang Xueyan, Yu Zhigang*Ning Jinsong, Chen Hongtao, Mi Tiezhu. Genesis of underground brine along south coast of Laizhou Bay: hydrochemical characteristics. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2006, 24(4): 435-442.

  2. Xueyan Jiang, Zhigang Yu*, Teh-Lung Ku, Xinglun Kang, Wei Wei, and Hongtao Chen. Behavior of uranium in the Yellow River Plume (Yellow River Estuary). Estuaries and Coasts, 2007, 30(6): 919-926.

  3. Jiang Xueyan, Yu Zhigang*Ning Jinsong, Chen Hongtao, Mi Tiezhu. Study of the redox condition of underground brine system along the southern coast of Laizhou Bay, China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2008, 26(2): 222-228.

  4. Xueyan Jiang, Zhigang Yu*, Teh-Lung Ku, Xinglun Kang, Wei Wei, and Hongtao Chen. Distribution of uranium isotopes in the main channel of Yellow River (Huanghe), China. Continental Shelf Research, 2009, 29(4):719-727.

  5. Bochao Xu, Natasha Dimova, Liang Zhao, Xueyan Jiang, ZhigangYu. Determination of water ages and flushing rates using short-lived radium isotopes in large estuarine system, the Yangtze River Estuary, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2013, 121: 61-68

  6. Bochao Xu, William Burnett, Natasha Dimova, Shaobo Diao, Tiezhu Mi, Xueyan Jiang, ZhigangYu. Hydrodynamics in the Yellow River Estuary via radium isotopes: ecological perspectives. Continental Shelf Research, 2013, 66: 19-28.

7Sui Juanjuan, Yu Zhigang, Xu Bochao, Dong Wenhua, Xia Dong, Jiang Xueyan*. Concentrations and fluxes of dissolved uranium in the Yellow River estuary: seasonal variation and anthropogenic impact (Water-Sediment Regulation Scheme). Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2014,128: 38-46.

8. Xu Bochao, Xia Dong, William Burnett, Natasha Dimova, Wang Houjie, Zhang Longjun, Gao Maosheng, Jiang Xueyan, Yu Zhigang. Natural 222Rn and 220Rn indicate the impact of the Water–Sediment Regulation Scheme (WSRS) on submarine groundwater discharge in the Yellow River estuary, China. Applied Geochemistry, 2014, 51, 79-85.

9Sui Juanjuan, Yu Zhigang, Jiang Xueyan*, Xu Bochao. Behavior and budget of dissolved uranium in the lower reaches of the Yellow (Huanghe) River: Impact of Water–Sediment Regulation Scheme. Applied Geochemistry, 2015, 61: 1-9

10. Xu B., Bianchi T., Allison M., Dimova N., Wang H., Zhang L., Diao S., Jiang X., Zhen Y., Yao P., Chen H., Yao Q., Dong W., Sui J., Yu Z.. Using multi-radiotracer techniques to better understand sedimentary dynamics of reworked muds in the Changjiang River Estuary and inner shelf of East China Sea, Marine Geology, 2015, 370, 76-86.

11. Xia D., Yu Z., Xu B.*, Gao M., Mi T., Jiang X., Yao P.. Variations of hydrodynamics and submarine groundwater discharge in the Yellow River Estuary under the influence of the Water Sediment Regulation Scheme. Estuaries and Coasts201639:333–343. DOI 10.1007/s12237-015-9994-7.

12.  隋娟娟, 江雪艳*, 许博超, 于志刚. 黄河干流铀同位素的沿程变化及入海通量.海洋环境科学,2016363):349-356.

13. Bochao XU*, Disong YANG, William C. Burnett, Xiangbin Ran, Zhigang YU, Maosheng GAO, Shaobo DIAO, Xueyan JIANG. Artificial water sediment regulation scheme influences morphology, hydrodynamics and nutrient behavior in the Yellow River estuary, Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 539: 102-112.

14. Xiaoyi GUO, Bochao XU*, Zhigang YU, Xiuqin LI, Haiming NAN, Huimin JIAN, Xueyan JIANG, Shaobo DIAO, Maosheng GAO. Radium Isotopes Assess Water Mixing Processes and Its Application in the Pearl River Estuary. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2017355, 1108-1116 doi.org/10.1007/s00343-017-6069 -6.

15. Qian Liu, Xueyan Jiang*, Juanjuan Sui, Laodong Guo, Bochao Xu, Chunxia Meng.Role of suspended particulate matter in regulating the hehavior of dissolved uranium in the Yellow Ricver Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts, 2018,41(6), 1667-1678. doi.org/10.1007/s12237-018-0392-9

16. 于臣青,江雪艳*,孟春霞,隋娟娟,刘倩. 调水调沙对黄河下游溶解铀含量及入海通量的影响. 海洋学报, 2018, 40(10)209-218.

17. Disong Yang, Bochao Xu*, William Burnett, Zhigang Yu, Xueyan Jiang, Xiaojie Zhang, Shibin Zhao, Dong Xia. Radium isotopes-suspended sediment relationship in a muddy river. Chemosphere, 2019, 214, 250-258.