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LI Dawei
PostTime:2018-07-04 Click:379

Da-WeiLi(Dawei Li)

Associate Professor


Educational Background

2008.9-2014.1:Ocean University of ChinaPhD in Marine chemistry

2004.9-2008.6:Ocean University of ChinaBS in Chemistry

Career History

2014.05-2014.12: Xiamen University,Assistant Research Scientist

2015.02-2017.11: Xiamen University, Postdoctoral fellow, MEL Outstanding Postdoctoral Scholarship

2017.12-present: Ocean University of China, Associate Professor, Key Labaratory of Marine Chemistry Theory and Technology (MOE)


Research Interests

My research interests lie in the fields of paleoceanography and paleoclimatology. Carbon and nitrogen isotopes, metal and biogenic organic/inorganic-records were used to study the past biogeochemical processes, e.g., biological pump, and carbon cycle, and environmental changes, e.g., deep water ventilation and redox changes in semi-closed marginal seas, coving both millennial and orbital time scales.


Peer reviewed publications

As first author:

        Da-Wei Li, Yuan-Pin Chang, Qian Li, Liwei Zheng, Xiaodong Ding, Shuh-Ji Kao*, 2018. Effect of sea-level on organic carbon preservation in the Okinawa Trough over the last 91 kyr. Marine Geology 399: 148-157 (SCI, 2016-IF: 3.572). Doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2018.02.013

        DaweiLi, Meixun Zhao*, Jun Tian, 2017. Low-high latitude interaction forcing on the evolution of the 400 kyr cycle in East Asian winter monsoon records during the last 2.8 Myr. Quaternary Science Reviews 172: 72-82 (SCI, 2016-IF: 4.797). Doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.08.005

        Dawei Li, Li-Wei Zheng, Samuel L. Jaccard, Tien-Hsi Fang, Adina Paytan, XufengZheng, Yuan-Pin Chang, Shuh-Ji Kao*, 2017. Millennial scale ocean dynamics controlled export productivity in the subtropical North Pacific. Geology 45 (7): 651-654 (SCI, 2016-IF: 4.635). Doi: 10.1130/g38981.1

        Dawei Li, Tzu-Ling Chiang, Shuh-Ji Kao*, Yi-Chia Hsin, Li-Wei Zheng, Shih-Chieh Hsu, Jin-Yu Terence Yang, Chau-Ron Wu, Minhan Dai, 2017. Circulation and oxygenation of the glacial South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 138: 387-398 (SCI, 2015-IF: 2.647). Doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2017.02.017

        Dawei Li, Meixun Zhao*, Min-Te Chen, 2014. East Asian winter monsoon controlling phytoplankton productivity and community structure changes in the southeastern South China Sea over the last 185 kyr. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 414(0): 233-242 (SCI, 2014-IF: 2.339). Doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.09.003

        Dawei Li, Meixun Zhao*, Jun Tian, Li Li, 2013. Comparison and implication of TEX86 and UK‘37 temperature records over the last 356 kyr of ODP Site 1147 from the northern South China Sea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology376(0): 213-223 (SCI, 2013-IF: 2.752). Doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2013.02.031


Co-author publications

        Li-Wei Zheng, Xiaodong Ding, James T Liu, Dawei Li, Tsung-Yu Lee, Xufeng Zheng, Zhenzhen Zheng, Min Nina Xu, Minhan  Dai, Shuh-Ji Kao*, 2017. Isotopic evidence for the influence of typhoons and submarine canyons on the sourcing and transport behavior of biospheric organic carbon to the deep sea.Earth and Planetary Science Letters 465: 103-111 (SCI, 2015-IF: 4.326). Doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.02.037

        Xiaodong Ding, HongyanBao, Liwei Zheng, Dawei Li, Shuh-Ji Kao, 2017. Lacustrine lignin biomarker record reveals a severe drought during the late Younger Dryas in southern Taiwan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 135: 281-290 (SCI, 2015-IF: 2.647). Doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2017.01.003

        Xiaodong Ding, Dawei Li, Liwei Zheng, HongyanBao, Huei-Fen Chen, Shuh-Ji Kao*, 2016. Sulfur Geochemistry of a Lacustrine Record from Taiwan Reveals Enhanced Marine Aerosol Input during the Early Holocene. Scientific Reports 6: 38989 (SCI, 2015-IF: 5.228).Doi: 10.1038/srep38989

        Xufeng Zheng, Shuh-Ji Kao, Zhong Chen, Laurie Menviel, Chen Han, Yan Du, Shiming Wan, Hong Yan, Zhonghui Liu, Liwei Zheng, Shuhong Wang, Dawei Li, Xu Zhang, 2016. Deepwater circulation variation in the South China Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum. Geophysical Research Letters 43(16): 8590-8599 (SCI, 2015-IF: 4.212). Doi: 10.1002/2016GL070342

        Xiaodong Ding, Liwei Zheng, Dawei Li, Tien-Nan Yang, Teh-Quei Lee, Shuh-Ji Kao*, 2016. Lacustrine record of centennial- and millennial- scale rainfall variability of the East Asian monsoon during the last deglaciation: Multi-proxy evidence from Taiwan. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 450: 38-49 (SCI, 2015-IF: 2.525). Doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.02.048

        Li-Wei Zheng, Silver Sung-Yun Hsiao, Xiao-Dong Ding,Dawei Li, Yuan-Pin Chang, Shuh-Ji Kao*, 2015. Isotopic composition and speciation of sedimentary nitrogen and carbon in the Okinawa Trough over the past 30 ka. Paleoceanography 30(10): 1233-1244 (SCI, 2015-IF: 3.433). Doi: 10.1002/2015PA002782

        T.-T. GE, D.-W. LI, Z.-S*. ZHAO, W.-F. CHEN, L. XING, M-X. ZHAO, 2012. Multi-proxy Records of Terrestrial and Marine Organic Matter Sources in the Mud Area Southwest off Cheju Island over the Last 100 Years. Periodical of Ocean University of China 43(2): 040-047 (In Chinese with an English Abstract) (2012-IF: 0.3614)

        M. Zhao*, D. Li, L. Xing, 2009. Using Archaea Biomarker Index TEX86 as a Paleo-sea Surface Temperature Proxy. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology 29(3): 75-85 (In Chinese with an English Abstract) (2009-IF: 0.4502)