Exchange Fund

Add:No. 238, Song Ling Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao

Current Location: Staff
LIU Qian
PostTime:2018-03-15 Click:602

Qian LIU

Associate Professor

Tel: +86-13625001074




09/2007-10/2012 Ph.D. Environmental Science (Marine Biogeochemistry), Xiamen University, China. Advisors: Dr. Minhan Dai and Dr. Matthew A. Charette

02/2012-03/2012 &02/2009-09/2010

Guest PhD Student, Department of Marine Chemistry and

                Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA

                hosted by Dr. Matthew A. Charette

09/2004-06/2007 M.Sc., Environmental Engineering, Ocean University of China, China. Advisor: Dr. Xilai Zheng

09/2000-06/2004 B.Sc. Environmental Engineering, Ocean University of China, China



08/2014-09/2016 Postdoctoral Researcher, Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperation Center/University of Toyama, Japan.Advisor: Dr. Jing Zhang

11/2012-08/2014Assistant Research Scientist, State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, China



Use of multi-tracer (e.g. Ra isotopes, rare earth elements) to study processes of chemical oceanography:

(1) Submarine groundwater discharge and its impact on the coastal ocean carbon cycle and budget.

(2) Biogeochemistry of carbonate system (total CO2, alkalinity, and pH) nutrients, and trace elements in the subterranean/surface estuary.

(3) Categorize and quantify water mass source and material transport.



1Liu, Q., M. A. Charette, C. F. Breier, P. B. Henderson, D.C. McCorkle, W. Martin, and M. Dai (2017), Carbonate system biogeochemistry in a subterranean estuary-Waquoit Bay, USA.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 203, 422-439. (Top Journal)

2Liu, Q., M. A. Charette, P. B. Henderson, D.C. McCorkle, W. Martin, and M. Dai (2014), Effect of submarine groundwater discharge on the coastal ocean inorganic carbon cycle. Limnology and Oceanography, 59, 1529-1554. (Top Journal)

3Liu, Q., M. Dai, W. Chen, C.-A. Huh, G. Wang, Q. Li, and M. A. Charette (2012), How significant is submarine groundwater discharge and its associated dissolved inorganic carbon in a river-dominated shelf system? Biogeosciences, 9, 1777-1795, doi:10.5194/bg-9-1777-2012. (Highly cited paper, citation Top 8%)

4Wang, J., Q. Liu*, J. Chen, H. Chen, H Lin, and X. Sun (2018), Total Hg flux and offshore transport via submarine groundwater discharge and coal-fired power plant in the Jiulong River estuary, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 127, 794-803. (*corresponding author, Top Journal) 

5Liu, Q., X. Guo, Z. Yin, K. Zhou, and M. Dai (2018), Carbon fluxes in China seas: an overview and perspectives. Scientia Sinica Terrae:Earth Science.Accept.

6Chen, W., Q. Liu, C. -A. Huh, M. Dai, and Y. -C. Miao (2010), Signature of the Mekong River plume in the western South China Sea revealed by radium isotopes.Journal of Geophysical Research-Ocean, 115, C12002, doi:10.1029/2010JC006460. (Top Journal)

7Gonneea, M., M. A. Charette, Q. Liu, J. Herrera-Silveira, and S. Morales-Ojeda (2014), Trace element geochemistry of groundwater in a karst subterranean estuary (Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 132, 31-49. (Top Journal)

8Charette, M. A., P. B. Henderson, C. F. Breier, and Q. Liu (2013), Submarine groundwater discharge in a river-dominated Florida estuary.Marine Chemistry, 156, 3-17.

9Wang, D., W. Xia, S. Lu, G. Wang, Q. Liu, W. S. Moore, and C.-T. Arthur Chen (2016), The nonconservative property of dissolved molybdenum in the western Taiwan Strait: Relevance of submarine groundwater discharges and biological utilization. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17, 28-43, doi:10.1002/2014GC005708.

10Dai M., Z. Yin, F. Meng, Q. Liu, and W.-J. Cai (2012), Spatial distribution of riverine DOC inputs to the ocean.Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 4, 170-178.

11Liu, Q., X. Zheng, J. Ren, et al. (2008), Experimental study of column displacement in water-rock interaction during seawater intrusion. Marine Environmental Science, 27(5), 443-446 (in Chinese with English abstract).

12Liu, Q., X. Zheng, H. Liu., et al. (2007), Experimental studies on the liquefaction behavior of silt in the Huanghe River delta. World Earthquake Engineering, 23 (2), 161-166 (in Chinese with English abstract).