Dr. Xin Yu
Email: xinyu312@ouc.edu.cn
Office: Department of Marine Chemistry, Room 211
Research areas
The marginal seas’ eco-system is under substantial changes in the scenario of global climate variations. How had the marginal seas’ ecosystem been developing and been impacted by global climate variations are of the cutting-edge research areas in ocean sciences.
We focus on the analyzing the transmitting of variation signals of global climate change onto the marginal sea ecosystem via meso-/submeso-scale processes by means of of sedimentary records of biomarkers and their nitrogen/oxygen isotopes. We aim at resolving the temporal and spatial impacts of different-scale physical processes on biogeochemical processes.
Education background
2011/4 - 2015/1, Ph.D. study at University of Hamburg, Germany, under the guidance of Prof.Dr. Kay-Christian Emeis
Thesis: Nitrogen cycling in the northern Benguela Upwelling System based on the δ15N of chlorophyll pigment
2002/9-2005/7, Master student at Ocean University of China, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Wang Xiulin
Thesis: The spatial distribution of lipid biomarker in the surface sediment of East China Sea, its carbon isotope and biogeochemical implication in the process of nutrients exchange across the sediment seawater interface
1998/9-2002/7, Undergraduate at Ocean University of China, under the guidance of Prof.Dr. Wang Xiulin
Thesis: Microbial enhanced oil recovery in Shengli Oil Field- a case study of one species of bacteria separated from oil-contaminated seawater
Working experiences
2005/7-2011/4, administration staff, Division of Science&Technology, Ocean University of China
Current Research Projects
The δ15N records of compound specific chlorophyll pigment in the Yangtze River estuary and the adjacent Oxygen Minimum Zone of East China Sea for the reconstruction of past nitrogen loss variations(41576082),granted by National Science Foundation of China, contracted funding 840 thousands RMB
The measurement of δ15N,δ18O of trace-level nitrate in seawater, granted by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, contracted funding 200 thousands RMB
Yu Xin, Kirstin Dähnke, Kay-Christian Emeis, Spatial distribution of δ15N of chlorophyll-a in surface sediment of the northern Benguela Upwelling System, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, submitted, 2015
Yu Xin, Jürgen Möbius, Kirstin Dähnke, Jana Friedrich, Kay Emeis, a reconstruction of centennial variations of nitrogen loss intensity in the northern Benguela Upwelling System -based on sediment core records of δ15Nchlorophyll-a, in preparation.
Shengkang Liang, Yu Xin, Xiulin Wang, et al,A property study on one strain of biosurfactants-producing marine bacteria, High Technology Letters, 2004(Expanded Issue)302-306