Exchange Fund

Add:No. 238, Song Ling Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao

Current Location: Staff
DU Min
PostTime:2012-05-10 Click:2637

Min DU
Doctor, Professor
Director of Shandong Province & Qingdao City Society of Corrosion and Protection
Executive member of Chinese Society of Corrosion and Protection (CSCP)
Director of Corrosion and Protection Lab, Marine Monitor & Determination Centre


Telephone: +86-532-66781637


Educational Background

Ph.D.1997Northeastern University, China

Specialty: non-ferrous metallurgy

Dissertation: “The Study on Electro deposition of Nickel-Sulfur Amorphous Alloy as Catalytic Cathode in Alkaline Medium”

M.Sc.1994Northeastern University, China

Specialty: Applied Chemistry

Thesis: “Study on Electro deposition of Nickel-Sulfur Amorphous Alloy Film”

B.Sc.1991Northeastern University, China

Major: Applied Chemistry

Thesis: “Spectrophotometer determination of trace IO3- with 5-Br-PADAP as indicator”

Work Experience

2007—2008Scholarship of Corrosion and Protection Centre, University of Manchester, UK

1997—Lecture, Vice Professor, professor of College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of China

Research Interests

1.Cathodic Protection(CP) and Cathodic Protection Monitor Methods

2.Corrosion Inhibitor

3.Microbial Induced Corrosion(MIC) and Protection

4.Electrochemical Monitor Technology

Representative Publications and Achievements

1.Meiying Lv, Min Du*, Xia Li, Yongyong Yue, Xuchao Chen. Mechanism of microbiologically influenced corrosion of X65 steel in seawater containing sulfate-reducing bacteria and iron-oxidizing bacteria [J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2019,8(5):4066–4078.

2.Meiying Lv. Min Du*, A review: microbiologically influenced corrosion and the effect of cathodic polarization on typical bacteriaREVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND BIO-TECHNOLOGY [J]REV ENVIRON SCI BIO 1569-17052018,3

3.Guan Zichao, Du Min*, Cui Zhenbang, Study Pitting Corrosion of P110 Steel by Electrochemical Frequency Modulation Technique and Coupled Multi-electrode Array Sensor, Corrosion[J], 2017738):998-1006

4.C. J. Li, M. Du*, The growth mechanism of calcareous deposits under various hydrostatic pressures during the cathodic protection of carbon steel in seawater, RSC Adv[J]., 2017, 7, 28819~28825

5.Y. L. Zhang, M. Du*, J. Zhang and J. Q. DuCorrosion behavior of X65 carbon steel in simulated oilfield produced waterMaterials and Corrosion[J]2015664):366-374

6.Li Chengjie, Du Min*, Sun Jixing, Li Yan, Liu Fuguo, Finite element modeling for cathodic protection of pipelines under simulating thermocline environment in deep water, J. Electrochemical Society[J]2013,1699):E99-E105

7.B. Wang, M. Du*, J. Zhang. Electrochemical and surface analysis studies on corrosion inhibition of Q235 steel by imidazoline derivative against CO2 corrosion[J]. Corrosion Science,53 (2011): 353–361

8.F.G. Liu, M. Du*, J. Zhang, M. Qiu. Electrochemical behavior of Q235 steel in saltwater saturated with carbon dioxide based on new imidazoline derivative inhibitor[J]. Corrosion Science,2009,51(1):102-109

9.Min DU, Mingxian SUN, Zhaohui YANGMarine Structure Cathodic Protection, Science Publishing House, 2016

Scientific research projects under studying

1.National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)Coupled mechanism of cathodic polarization on typical microbe induced corrosion (MIC) in marine(No. 51871204)2019.1—2022.12

2.National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)Study on the repair mechanism for coating steel in marine multiphase border through multi field coupled action (No. 41576076)2016.1—2019.12

3.National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)Research on dispersion nano-particle enhanced high strength steel and its behaviour in the complicated Marine environmentNo. U1706221,2018.1—2021.12