时间:2017-11-30 浏览:152
1. Liu,S.M., B.D. Zhu, J. Zhang, Y. Wu, G.S. Liu, B. Deng, M. Zhao, G.Q. Liu, J.Z. Du, J.L. Ren, G.L. Zhang,2010. Environmental change in Jiaozhou Bay recorded by nutrient components in sediments, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60, 1591–1599, 2010, DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2010.04.003
2. Chen, Z., Chi-Yue Huang, B. Wu, M. Zhao, W. Yan, Discovery of native aluminum and its possible origin from prospective gas hydrate areas in the South China Sea, Science in China (Earth Sciences), 53, 335-344, 2010.(中英文同发,同5)
3. Li Wenbao, Wang, Rujian, Xiang Fei, Ding Xiaohui, Zhao, Meixun, Sea surface temperature and subtropical front movement in the South Tasman Sea during the last 800 ka, Chinese Science Bulletin, 55, 3338-3344, 2010
4. 李文宝,王汝建,向霏,丁晓辉,赵美训。南塔斯曼海800 ka 以来的海水表层温度与亚热带锋迁移历史。科学通报,2010,55(24),2413-2421
5. 陈忠,黄奇瑜,吴必豪,赵美训,颜文。南海天然气水合物潜在海域自然铝的发现及其特征与形成机理。中国科学(地球科学),2010,40(1):34-44
6. 丁玲,邢磊,赵美训。生物标志物重建浮游植物生产力及群落结构研究进展。地球科学进展,2010,25(9):981-989
7. 白有成,陈建芳,李宏亮,邢磊,金海燕,赵美训。楚科奇海附件表层沉积物中类脂生物标志物的分布特征和意义。海洋学报,2010, 32(2):106-117
8. 丁玲,赵美训。生物标志物及其碳同位素在冷泉区生物地球化学研究中的应用。海洋地质与第四纪地质,2010, 30(2):133-142
9. 魏玉利,王鹏,赵美训,张传伦。黑潮源区沉积物微生物多样性初步研究。地球科学进展, 2010,25(2):212-219