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时间:2017-11-30  浏览:176


1.     Zhao, M., M. T. Chen, and L. Beaufort, Introduction to the special section “Proxy records and mechanistic studies of the late quaternary paleoceanography of the western pacific marginal seas using IMAGES cores”, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAO), 19, I-III, 2008, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2008.19.4.I (IMAGES).

2.     He, J., M. Zhao, L. Li, H. Wang, and P. Wang, Biomarker evidence of relatively stable community structure in the Northern South China Sea during the last glacial and Holocene, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAO), 19, 377-387, 2008, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2008.19.4.377 (IMAGES).

3.     He, J., Zhao, M., Wang, P., Li, L., Sea surface temperature and terrigenous biomarker records of the last 260 kyr for core MD05-2904 from the Northern South China Sea over the last 35,000 Years, Chinese Science Bullentin, 53, 2376-2384, 2008.

4.     Xing, L., M. Zhao, H. Zhang, Y. Liu and X. Shi, Biomarker reconstruction of phytoplankton productivity and community structure changes in the middle Okinawa Trough during the last 15 ka, Chinese Science Bullentin, 53, 2552-2559, 2008.

5.    李丽,王慧,李建如,赵美训,汪品先.南海西部晚更新世以来表层海水剩余氧同位素及盐度变化.第四纪研究,200828(3): 399-406

6.  邢磊,赵美训,张海龙,刘焱光,石学法.冲绳海槽中部过去15Ka来浮游植物生产力和种群结构变化的生物标志物重建.科学通报,200853(12)1448-1455

7.    贺娟,赵美训,李丽,汪品先,葛黄敏.南海北部MD05-2904沉积柱状样26万年以来表层海水温度及陆源生物标记物记录.科学通报,200853(11)1324-1331

8.  贾海波,孙耀,赵美训,杨作升,唐启升.黄、东海典型渔业海域鱼鳞沉积信息及其空间分布.水产学报,2008324):584-591

9.  张海龙,邢磊,赵美训,孙耀,唐启升. 东海和黄海表层沉积物生物标志物的分布特征及古生态重建潜力. 中国海洋大学学报,200838(6)992-996