About Us
Exchange Fund

Add:No. 238, Song Ling Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao

Current Location: Introduction
PostTime:2017-12-07 Click:214

The Key Laboratory of Marine Chemistry Theory and Technology (Ocean University of China), Ministry of Education (MCTL) was constructed since 2005 and founded formally in May, 2009. MCTL is currently an advanced research institution carrying out marine chemistry and technology research at the national level.

Based on the target of achieving the international advanced research level, MCTL mainly focuses on marine chemistry theory, engineering development and utilization with 6 research scopes:Marine biogeochemical processes of active gases and their climate effects, Marine biogeochemistry of nutrients, Marine organic geochemistry, Marine biogeochemical cycles of trace elements and their isotopes, Multipurpose utilization ofSeawater and environmental-friendly marine functional materials and protection technology.

MCTL has 69staff including 1 Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2 Chang Jiang Scholars, 2 winners of National Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars, 2 Taishan Scholars, 1 Scholar of Taishan Climbing Program, 9 New Century Excellent Talents and 2 “Zhufeng” Talents Project professors.

With an increasing focus on collaboration and interdisciplinary research and education, our programs are growing in depth, reach and impact. We have Program of Introducing Talents to Chinese Universities“Marine Chemistry”, NSFC InnovationResearchGroup “Marine Organic Biogeochemistry”and MOST Key Field Innovation Group“Environmental-friendly functional materials and protection technology”together with the Major Instruments Technology Service Center.