Exchange Fund

Add:No. 238, Song Ling Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao

Current Location: Staff
PostTime:2016-08-30 Click:1556


Associate Professor

Telephone: +86-532-66782215



Educational Background

Ph.D. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of China, 2008

M.S. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of China, 2004

B.S. Department of Polymer Chemistry and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2001

Northwestern Polytechnical University, Second Major Bachelor of International Economy & Trade, 2001

Career History

2011.7- Key Laboratory of Marine Chemistry Theory and Technology, Ministry of Education, College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of China,

2010.4-2011.7 ICBB Project Researcher, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 97331, USA

2010.4-2011.3“Deep Sea Vent” Researcher, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 97331, USA

2008.3-2010.3Global Center Of Excellence Researcher, Department of Chemistry, School of Science, University of Tokyo, Japan

2005.9-2007.8PhD exchange student, Chemistry Department, Pukyong National University, Korea

Team leader of natural product chemistry lab.

Research Interests

General: Natural Product Chemistry, Marine Chemistry, Organic Chemistry

Research topics: ·Marine organic geochemistry

·Microorganism’s study from Extreme environment

·Symbiotic relationship and biotranslation study.

·Element cycling by microorganisms

Representative Publications and Achievements

1.Zonglin Yang, Yaqi Shi, Yan Zhang, Qingzheng Cheng, Xianguo Li*, Chunhong Zhao, Dahai Zhang*.Different pathways for 4-n-nonylphenol biodegradation by two Aspergillus strains derived from estuary sediment: Evidence from metabolites determination and key-gene identification.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 359: 203-212.

2.Yaqi Shi, Zonglin Yang, Yan Zhang, Xianguo Li, Dahai Zhang*. The Relationship Study of Biomass, Situation, and Artificial Control: the Degradation of NP Using Estuary-Derived Fungi. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2018, 229: 233-242.

3.Chanjuan Li, Dahai Zhang, Jialin Peng, Xianguo Li*. The effect of pH, nitrate, iron (III) and bicarbonate on photodegradation of oxytetracycline in aqueous solution. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2018, 356: 239-247.

4.Wenchao Yang, Xianguo Li, Dahai Zhang, Lijuan Feng*. Catalytic upgrading of bio-oil in hydrothermal liquefaction of algae major model components over liquid acids. Energy Conversion and Management. 2017, 154: 336–343.

5.Ting Hao, Xiaojie Liu, James Ogg, Zhen Liang, Rong Xiang, Xiaodong Zhang, Dahai Zhang, Cai Zhang, Qiaoling Liu, Xianguo Li*. Intensified episodes of East Asian Winter Monsoon during the middle through late Holocene driven by North Atlantic cooling events: High-resolution lignin records from the South Yellow Sea, China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2017, 479: 144-155.

6.Fei Gong, Ting Hao, Yue Liu, Xiaojie Liu, Dahai Zhang, Rong Xiang, Xiaodong Zhang, Qiaoling Liu, Xianguo Li*. Evidence for paleoclimate changes from lignin records of sediment core A02 in the southern Yellow Sea since ~9.5 Cal. kyr B.P. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2017, 479: 173-184.

7.Yanxia Lin, Wei Deng*, Shengyong Li, Jiafu Li, Guoguang Wang, Dahai Zhang, Xianguo Li*. Congener profile, distribution, sources and ecological risk of parent and alkyl-PAHs in surface sediments of Southern Yellow Sea, China. Science of the Total Environment. 2017, 580: 1309–1317.

8.Han Chen, Xie Miance, Qi Jianhua, Zhang Wenqian, Li Xianguo. Zhang Dahai*. Size distribution characteristics of culturable bioaerosols in relation to air quality levels in Qingdao[J]. Research of Environmental Sciences, 2016, 29(9): 000-000.

9.Yan Zhang, Ying Liu, Han Dong, Xianguo Li, Dahai Zhang*. The nonylphenol biodegradation study by estuary sediment-derived fungus Penicillium simplicissimum. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23: 15122-15132.

10.Jiafu Li, Han Dong, Xiang Xu, Bin Han, Xianguo Li*, Chenjian Zhu, Chen Han, Shaopeng Liu, Dandan Yang, Qian Xu, Dahai Zhang*. Prediction of the bioaccumulation of PAHs in surface sediments of Bohai Sea, China and quantitative assessment of the related toxicity and health risk to humans. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2016, 1041-2)92-100.

11.Xie Miance, Lei Jing, Li Gehui, Kong Lingping, Li Xianguo, Zhang Dhai*. Application study of response surface methodology in the optimization of the antioxidant secondary metabolite processing of Penicillium herquei LGT201107. Chinese Journal of Marine Drugs, 2016, 35(3): 87-92.

12.Chen Zhixiang, Li Xianguo, Zhang Dahai*. Application of low molecular weight alcohol-salt-water phase system in the resource processing of glyphosate mother liquor. Modern Chemical Industry, 2016, 36(5): 110-113.

13.Jiafu Li, Han Dong, Xianguo Li, Bin Han, Chenjian Zhu, Dahai Zhang*. Quantitatively assessing the health risk of exposure to PAHs from intake of smoked meats. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016, 124: 91–95.

14.Xiaoyong Duan, Yanxia Li, Xianguo Li, Yi Gao, Dahai Zhang*. Changes in terrestrial organic matters and pollutants input to the Yangtze River Estuary, East China Sea, during the past century. Envirmental Chemistry, 2016, 13, 631-640.

15.Jiafu Li, Han Dong, Dahai Zhang, Bin Han, Chenjian Zhu, Shaopeng Liu, Xiangmin Liu, Qianyao Ma, Xianguo Li. Sources and ecological risk assessment of PAHs in surface sediments from Bohai Sea and northern part of the Yellow Sea, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2015, 96: 485-490.

16.Dong Han, Ma Yanyan, Zhang Dahai* et al. The study of nonylphenol biodegradation pathway by Trichoderma asperellum from the estuary sediment, Marine Environmental Science (Chinese), 2015346):852-857.

17.Han Chen, Qi Jianhua, Zhang Dahai* et al. Cultivable fungi of spring dust in Qingdao Coastal Region and their potential health risk research, Urban environment & Urban ecology (Chinese), 2015284:18-23.

18.Xie Miance, Han Chen, Zhang Dahai* et al. A mini review of OSMAC approach and its application in Aspergillus fumigatus secondary metabolites, Natural product research (Chinese) , 2015279):1668-1673.

19.Liang Zhen, Zhang Dahai, Wang Min et al. Distribution of lignin in the surface sediments of the East China Sea and its implication for tracing terrigenous organic matter. Marine Environmental Science (Chinese), 2014, 33(4)509-513, 530.

20.Li Mengfang, Zhang Dahai, Duan Xiaoyong et al. Distribution ofPhthalic Acid EstersPAEs in surface sediments of Southern Yellow Sea. Marine Environmental Science (Chinese), 2014, 33 (5):682-687.

21.Xiaoyong Duan, Yanxia Li, Xianguo Li, Dahai Zhang. Distributions and sources of polychlorinated biphenyls in the coastal East China Sea sediments. Sci. Total Environ., 2013, 463-464: 894-903.

22.Xiaoyong Duan, Yanxia Li, Xianguo Li, Dahai Zhang. Polychlorinated biphenyls in sediments of the Yellow Sea: Distribution, source identification and flux estimation. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 2013, 76(1-2): 283-290.

23.Wei Deng, Xianguo Li, Shengyong Li, Dahai Zhang. Source Apportionment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Surface Sediment of Mud Areas in the East China Sea Using Diagnostic Ratios and Factor analysis. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 2013, 70(1-2): 266-273.

24.Xianguo Li, Yanyan Ma and Dahai Zhang. Reaearch progress on biodegradation of nonylphenols. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2013435):64-69.

25.Dahai Zhang, Seketsu Fukuzawa, Masayuki Satake, Xianguo Li, Takafumi kuranaga, Ai Niitsu, Kentaro Yoshizawa, and Kazuo Tachibana. Ophiobolin O and 6-epi-ophiobolin O, Two New Cytotoxic Sesterterpenes, from Marine Derived Fungus Aspergillus sp. Nat. Prod. Comm. 2012, 7(11): 1411-1414 .

26.Dahai Zhang, Seketsu Fukuzawa, Kohtaro Sugahara, Ai Niitsu, Tomohiro Shirai, Masayuki Satake and Kazuo Tachibana. Two new cytotoxic indole alkaloids, 2-(dimethylprop-1-ene)-costaclavine and 2-(dimethylprop-1-ene)-epicostaclavine from the marine-derived fungus Aspergillus fumigatus, J. Nat. Med. 2012, 66(1): 222-226.

27.Zhang Dahai*Edward MitchellKerry L. McPhail* et al. Study method establisment of Oregon (USA) deep sea vent derived microbial. Journal of Shandong University, 2012, 47S2:84-86.

28.Viviane Nenkep, Keumja Yun, Dahai Zhang, Hong Dae Choi, Jung Sook Kang, and Byeng Wha Son. Induced production of bromomethylchlamydosporols A and B from the marine-derived fungus Fusarium tricinctum. J. Nat. Prod. 2010, 73(12), 2061-2063.

29.Xin Hana, Chao Peng, Deshi Ye, Dahai Zhang, and Yan Lan. Dynamic bin packing with unit fraction items revisited. Information Processing Letters, 2010(110), 1049-1054.

30.Dahai Zhang, Xiudong Yang, Jung Sook Kang, Hong Dae Choi, Byeng Wha Son. Chlorohydroaspyrones A and B, Antibacterial Aspyrone Derivatives from the Marine-Derived Fungus Exophiala sp. J. Nat. Prod. 2008, 71(8), 1458-1460.

31.Zhang Dahai, Xianguo Li, Jung Sook Kang, Hong Dae Choi,Byeng Wha Son.Redoxcitrinin, a Biogenetic Precursor of Citrinin from Marine Isolate of Fungus Penicillium sp.J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2007, 17(5), 865-867.

32.Dahai Zhang, Xiudong Yang, Jung Sook Kang, Hong Dae Choi, Byeng Wha Son. Circumdatin I, a New Ultraviolet-A Protecting Benzodiazepine Alkaloid from a Marine Isolate of the Fungus Exophiala.J. Antibiotics, 2008, 61(1), 40-42.

33.Dahai Zhang, Xianguo Li, Jung Sook Kang, Hong Dae Choi,Byeng Wha Son.A New α-Pyrone Derivative, 6-[(E)-Hept-1-enyl]-α-pyrone, with Tyrosinase Inhibitory Activity from a Marine Isolate of the Fungus Botrytis.Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2007, 28(5), 887-888.

34.Hung Phi Nguyen,Dahai Zhang, Uk Lee,Jung Sook Kang, Hong Dae Choi,Byeng Wha Son.Dehydroxychlorofusarielin B, an Antibacterial Polyoxygenated Decalin Derivative from the Marine-Derived Fungus Aspergillus sp. J.Nat. Prod. 2007, 70(7), 1188-1190.

35.Xifeng Li, Dahai Zhang, Uk Lee, Xianguo Li, Jiagao Cheng, Weiliang Zhu, Jee H. Jung, Hong Dae Choi,Byeng Wha Son.Bromomyrothenone B and Botrytinone, Cyclopentenone Derivatives from a Marine Isolate of the Fungus Botrytis. J. Nat. Prod. 2007, 70, 307-309.

36.Chuanhui Gao, Xianguo Li, Lijuan Feng, Zhanchang Xiang, Dahai Zhang. Preparation and thermal decomposition of 5Mg(OH)2MgSO42H2O nanowaskers. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2009, 150, 551-554.

37.Feng, Zhile, Viviane N. Nenkep, Keumja Yun, Dahai Zhang, Hong Dae Choi, Jung Sook Kang, and Byeng Wha Son.Biotransformation of Bioactive (–)-Mellein by a Marine Isolate of Bacterium Stappia sp. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2010, 20(6), 985-987.

38.Dahai Zhang, Dedi Noviendri, Muhammad Nursid, Xiudong Yang, Byeng Wha Son. Korean Soc. 12,13-Dihydroxyfumitremorgin C, Fumitremorgin C, and Brevianamide F, Antibacterial Diketopiperazine Alkaloids from the Marine-Derived Fungus Pseudallescheria sp. Natural Product Sciences, 2007, 13(3), 251-254.

39.Guohua Yang, Viviane N. Nenkep, Xavier N. Siwe, Alain S. Leutou, Zhile Feng, Dahai Zhang, Hong Dae Choi, Jung Sook Kang, and Byeng Wha Son. An acetophenone derivative, clavatol, and a benzodiazepine alkaloid, circumdatin A, from the marine-derived fungus Cladosporium.Natural Product Science, 2009, 15(3), 130-133.

40.Zhang Dahai, Li Xianguo, Son Byeng Wha. The Anti-tyrosinase Enzyme Inhibitors Study of ɑ-pyrone from Botrytis sp. Chinese Journal of Marine Drugs. 2008, 3, 35-38.

41.Zhang Dahai, Li Xianguo, Son Byeng Wha. The Anti-tyrosinase Enzyme Inhibitors Study of ɑ-pyrone form Botrytis sp. Chinese Journal of applied Chemistry. 2008, 25(12), 1425-1429

42.Xiang Zhanchang, Feng Lijuan, Gao chuanhui, Zhang Dahai and Li Xianguo. Preparation and Application of Magnesium Hydroxide Whisker. Inorganic Chemicals Industry (China). 2008, 40(8), 4-7.

43.Zhang Dahai, Lijuan Feng, Xianguo Li et al. Research progress on magnesium salt whiskers, Sea-salt & chemical engineering (China), 2004, 33 (1): 4-8.