Exchange Fund

Add:No. 238, Song Ling Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao

Current Location: Staff
LI Xianguo
PostTime:2016-08-30 Click:1059

Xianguo Li


Editorial Board Member of Journal of Ocean University of China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research)

Panel Members of Physical Chemistry and Marine Chemistry, Shandong Society of Chemistry and Chemical Industry

Panel Member of Shandong Association for Instrumental Analysis

Panel Member of Qingdao Association for Instrumental Analysis

Tel: +86-532-66782215

Fax: +86-532-66782540



Education and Professional Experience

1982-1986  Department of Chemistry, Xiangtan University, Bachelor in Chemistry

1986-1989  Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Master in Physical Chemistry

1989-1993  Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PhD in Physical Chemistry

1993-1994  Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Research Assistant

1994-1997  Department of Chemical Engineering, West Virginia University (USA), Post-Doctoral Fellow

1997-1998  College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of Qingdao

1998 to date   College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of China (the former Ocean University of Qingdao), Professor


Research Interests

Marine Organic Geochemistry

Including: Terrestrial Organic Matter and Its Biogeochemistry in Marine System, Marine Biogeochemistry of Modern Organic Pollutants


Selected Projects in Recent Years

[1]    20122016   National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant number 41276067): Vegetation and climate changes as revealed by lignin molecular fossil and stable isotopic records in the continental shelf mud areas of Bohai, Yellow Sea and East China Sea . PI.

[2]    20102015  National Key Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, Grant number 2010CB428901): Sedimentary record reconstruction and characteristic analysis on decadal variations of ecological environment in China's marginal seas. Co-PI.

[3]    20112013  Major International (Regional) Joint Research Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant number 41020164005): Molecular records of the influences of anthropogenic activity and climate change on organic carbon burial in China's marginal seas. Co-PI.

[4]    20102012   National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant number 40976041): A research on the mechanism of photochemical degradation of alkylphenols in natural surface waters using multidimensional stable isotope analysis. PI.


Selected Publications in Recent Years (*Corresponding Authors)

1. Guoguang Wang, Jialin Peng, Ting Hao, Yao Liu, Dahai Zhang, Xianguo Li*. Distribution and region-specific sources of Dechlorane Plus in marine sediments from the coastal East China SeaScience of the Total Environment, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.08.090 (in press).
2. Guoguang Wang, Jialin Peng, Dahai Zhang, Xianguo Li*. Characterizing distributions, composition profiles, sources and potential health risk of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the coastal sediments from East China SeaEnvironmental Pollution, 2016, 213: 468-481.
3. Guoguang Wang, Jialin Peng, Xiang Xu, Dahai Zhang, Xianguo Li*. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in sediments from the Southern Yellow Sea: Concentration, composition profile, source identification and mass inventory. Chemosphere, 2016, 144: 2097-2105
4. ialin Peng, Guoguang Wang, Dahai Zhang, Dongmei Zhang, Xianguo Li*. Photodegradation of nonylphenol in aqueous solution by simulated solar UV-irradiation: The comprehensive effect of nitrate, ferric ion and bicarbonate. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2016, 326: 9�15.
5. Jiafu Li, Han Dong, Xiang Xu, Bin Han, Xianguo Li*, Chenjian Zhu, Chen Han, Shaopeng Liu, Dandan Yang, Qian Xu, Dahai Zhang*. Prediction of the bioaccumulation of PAHs in surface sediments of Bohai SeaChina and quantitative assessment of the related toxicity and health risk to humans. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2016, 104: 92-100.
6. Wenchao Yang, Xianguo Li, Zihui Li, Chenhong Tong, Lijuan Feng*. Understanding low-lipid algae hydrothermal liquefaction characteristics and pathways through hydrothermal liquefaction of algal major components: Crude polysaccharides, crude proteins and their binary mixtures.Bioresource Technology, 2015, 196: 99-108.
7. GuoguangWang, Jialin Peng, Dandan Yang, Dahai Zhang, Xianguo Li*Current levels, composition profiles, source identification and potentially ecological risks of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the surface sediments fromBohaiSeaMarine Pollution Bulletin, 2015, 101: 834-844.
8. Jiafu Li, Han Dong, Dahai Zhang, Bin Han, Chenjian Zhu, Shaopeng Liu, Xiangmin Liu, Qianyao Ma, Xianguo Li*. Sources and ecological risk assessment of PAHs in surface sediments from BohaiSea and northern part of the Yellow Sea, ChinaMarine Pollution Bulletin, 2015, 96: 485-490
9. Wenchao Yang, Xianguo Li, Shishi Liu, Lijuan Feng*. Direct hydrothermal liquefaction of undried macroalgae Enteromorpha prolifera using acid catalysts. Energy Conversion and Management, 2014, 87: 938�945.
10. Xiaoyong Duan, Yanxia Li, Xianguo Li*, Dahai Zhang. Alkylphenols in surface sediments of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea inner shelf: Occurrence, distribution and fate. Chemosphere, 2014, 107: 265�273.
11. XU XiangLI Xianguo*. QSAR for Photodegradation Activity of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Aqueous Systems. Journal ofOceanUniversity of China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research), 2014 13 (1): 66-72.
12. Xuewei Peng, Xianguo Li*, Lijuan Feng. Behavior of stable carbon isotope of phthalate acid esters during photolysis under ultraviolet irradiation. Chemosphere, 2013, 92: 1557�1562.
13. Xuewei Peng, Lijuan Feng, Xianguo Li*. Pathway of diethyl phthalate photolysis in sea-water determined by gas chromatography�mass spectrometry and compound-specific isotope analysis. Chemosphere, 2013, 90: 220�226.
14. Xiaoyong Duan, Yanxia Li, Xianguo Li*, Mengfang Li, Dahai Zhang. Distributions and sources of polychlorinated biphenyls in the coastalEast China Sea sediments. Science of the Total Environment, 2013, 463-464: 894-903.
15. Xiaoyong Duan, Yanxia Li, Xianguo Li*, Dahai Zhang. Polychlorinated biphenyls in sediments of the Yellow Sea: Distribution, source identification and flux estimation. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2013, 76(1-2): 283-290
16. Wei Deng, Xian Guo Li*, Sheng Yong Li, Yan Yan Ma, Da Hai Zhang. Source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediment of mud areas in the East China Sea using diagnostic ratios and factor analysis. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2013, 70: 266�273.
17. Yanxia Li, Xiaoyong Duan, Xianguo Li*, Dahai Zhang. Photodegradation of nonylphenol by simulated sunlight. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2013, 66(1-2): 47�52.
18. ZHANG Ting, LI Xianguo*, SUN Shuwen, LAN Haiqing, DU Peirui and WANG Min. Determination of Lignin in Marine Sediment Using Alkaline Cupric Oxide Oxidation-Solid Phase Extraction-on-Column Derivatization-Gas Chromatography. Journal of OceanUniversity ofChina(Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research), 2013, 12(1): 63-69.
19. Xiang Xu, Xian-Guo Li*, Shu-Wen Sun. A QSAR study on the biodegradation activity of PAHs in aged contaminated sediments.Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2012, 114: 50-55.
20. Xuewei PengXianguo Li*Compound-specific isotope analysis for aerobic biodegradation of phthalate acid esters. Talanta, 2012, 97: 445�449.
21. Li Yanxia, Duan Xiaoyong, Li Xianguo*, Tang Xuli. Mechanism Study on Photodegradation of Nonylphenol in Water by Intermediate Products Analysis. Acta Chimica Sinica , 2012, 70: 1819�1826.
22. XU XiangLI Xian-Guo*SUN Shu-WenCHU Jia-Jie. Theoretical study on the photodegradation mechanism of pyrethroid insecticide fenvalerate in water. Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2012, 31(4): 505-512.
23. XU XiangLI Xian-Guo*. QSAR for predicting biodegradation rates of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aqueous system. Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2012 , 31(8): 1212 � 1221.
24. WANG Yan, LI Xianguo*, PENG Xuewei, TANG Xuli, and DENG Xiaoyan. Optimization of sample pretreatment for determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in estuarine sediments by gas chromatography. Journal of OceanUniversity of China(Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research), 2012, 11(2): 159-164.
25. PENG Xuewei, YAN Guofang, LI Xianguo*, GUO Xinyun, ZHOU Xiao, and WANG Yan. Optimization of ultrasonic extraction and clean-up protocol for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in marine sediments by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection. Journal of OceanUniversity of China(Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research), 2012, 11(3): 331-338.
26. LI Xianguo*, ZHANG Ting, SUN Shuwen, LAN Haiqing, and YU Tao. Lignin in marine environment and its analysis―A review. Journal ofOceanUniversity of China(Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research), 2012, 11(4): 501-506.