Exchange Fund

Add:No. 238, Song Ling Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao

Current Location: Staff
ZHANG Honghai
PostTime:2012-05-11 Click:2922

Hong-Hai Zhang

Associate Professor

Tel: 0532-66783789

Educational Background

2004.09-2019.06,Ocean University of ChinaPhD in Marine chemistry

2000.09-2004.07,Ludong UniversityBS in Chemistry

Career History

2013.12-Present,College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of China, Associate Professor

2013.06-07, LavalUniversity, Canada, Visiting scholar

2009.07-2013.11, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of China, Assistant Professor

Research Interests

[1] Biogeochemistry and environmental effects of marine active gases (dimethylsulfide, methane, non-methane hydrocarbons, etc.)

[2] Marine organic photochemistry

[3] Compositions and chemical characteristics of marine atmospheric aerosols

Selected publications (2017-2019)

[1] Feng Xu, Na Jin, Zhun Ma, Hong-Hai Zhang*, Gui-Peng Yang. Distribution, occurrence, and fate of biogenic dimethylated sulfur compounds in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea during spring. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, 5787-5800.

[2] Shan Jian#, Hong-Hai Zhang#, Gui-Peng Yang*, Guan-Lin Li, Variation of biogenic dimethylated sulfur compounds in the Changjiang River Estuary and the coastal East China Sea during spring and summer. Journal of Marine Systems 2019, 199, 103222. (共同一作)

[3] Hong-Hai Zhang, Xiao-Yan Cao*, He Wang, Zhun Ma, Jing Li, Li-Min Zhou, Gui-Peng Yang*, Effect of black carbon on sorption and desorption of phosphorus onto sediments. Marine Pollution Bulletion 2019, 146, 435-441.

[4] Rong Zhu, Gui-Peng Yang*, Hong-Hai Zhang, Temporal and spatial distributions of carbonyl sulfide, dimethyl sulfide, and carbon disulfide in seawater and marine atmosphere of the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent East China Sea. Limnology and Oceanography 2019, 64, 632-649.

[5] Xing Zhai, Jian-Long Li, Hong-Hai Zhang, Dan-dan Tan, Gui-Peng Yang*, Spatial distribution and biogeochemical cycling of dimethylated sulfur compounds and methane in the East China Sea during spring. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2019, 124, 1074-1090.

[6] Shan Jian, Jing Zhang, Hong-Hai Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Effects of ocean acidification and short-term light/temperature stress on biogenic dimethylated sulfur compounds cycling in the Changjiang River Estuary. Environmental Chemistry 2019, 16, 197-211.

[7] Jian-Long Li, Xing Zhai, Hong-Hai Zhang*, Gui-Peng Yang, Spatial distributions and sea-to-air fluxes of non-methane hydrocarbons in the atmosphere and seawater of the Western Pacific Ocean. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 672, 491-501.

[8] Jian-Long Li, Xing Zhai, Hong-Hai Zhang*, Jing Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang, Temporal variations in the distribution and sea-to-air flux of marine isoprene in the East China Sea. Atmospheric Environment 2018, 187, 131-143.

[9] Wen-Zhuo Zhu, Hong-Hai Zhang, Jing Zhang*, Gui-Peng Yang*, Seasonal variation in chromophoric dissolved organic matter and relationships among fluorescent components, absorption coefficients and dissolved organic carbon in the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 2018, 180, 9-23.

[10] Shan Jian, Hong-Hai Zhang, Jing Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Spatiotemporal distribution characteristics and environmental control factors of biogenic dimethylated sulfur compounds in the East China Sea during spring and autumn. Limnology and Oceanography 2018, 63, S280-S298.

[11] Ze-Ming Zhang, Hong-Hai Zhang, Ya-Wen Zou, Gui-Peng Yang*, Distribution and ecotoxicological state of phthalate esters in the sea-surface microlayer, seawater and sediment of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. Environmental Pollution 2018, 240, 235-247.

[12] Xing Zhai, Hong-Hai Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Jian-Long Li, Da Yuan, Distribution and sea-air fluxes of biogenic gases and relationships with phytoplankton and nutrients in the central basin of the South China Sea during summer. Marine Chemistry 2018, 200, 33-44.

[13] Ze-Ming Zhang, Hong-Hai Zhang, Jing Zhang, Qian-Wen Wang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Occurrence, distribution, and ecological risks of phthalate esters in the seawater and sediment of Changjiang River Estuary and its adjacent area. Science of the Total Environment 2018, 619-620, 93-102.

[14] Li-Min Zhou,Yi Sun, Hong-Hai Zhang, Gui-Peng Yang*, Distribution and characteristics of inorganic nutrients in the surface microlayer and subsurface water of the Bohai and Yellow Seas. Continental Shelf Research 2018, 168, 1-10.

[15] Jian-Long Li, Hong-Hai Zhang*, Gui-Peng Yang*, Distribution and sea-to-air flux of isoprene in the East China Sea and the South Yellow Sea during summer. Chemosphere 2017, 178, 291-300.

[16] Ze-Ming Zhang, Hong-Hai Zhang, Jian-Long Li, Gui-Peng Yang*, Determination of Phthalic Acid Esters in Seawater and Sediment by Solid-phase Microextraction and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Chinese journal of analytical chemistry 2017, 45(3): 348-356.

[17] Wen-Zhuo Zhu, Gui-Peng Yang*, Hong-Hai Zhang, Photochemical behavior of dissolved and colloidal organic matter in estuarine and oceanic waters. Science of the Total Environment 2017, 607-608, 214-224.

[18] Nan Gao, Gui-Peng Yang*,Hong-Hai Zhang, Long Liu, Temporal and spatial variations of three dimethylated sulfur compounds in the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent area during summer and winter. Environmental Chemistry 2017, 14, 160-177.