Exchange Fund

Add:No. 238, Song Ling Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao

Current Location: Staff
REN Jingling
PostTime:2012-05-11 Click:3763

REN Jing-Ling


Key Laboratory of Marine Chemistry Theory and Technology

Ocean University of China

Tel: +86-532-66782005

Education Background:

Sep 1991-Jul 1995: Department of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, B.S. of chemistry;

Sep 1995-Jul 1998: Department of Marine Chemistry, Ocean University of Qingdao, M.S. of marine chemistry;

Sep 2003-Jul 2010: Department of Marine Chemistry, Ocean University of China, Ph.D. of marine chemistry.

Career History

Jul 1998-Dec2005,Lecturer, Department of Marine Chemistry, Ocean University of China

Jan 2006-Dec 2011, Associate Professor, Department of Marine Chemistry, Ocean University of China

Jan 2012-present, Professor, Key Laboratory of Marine Chemistry Theory and Technology, Ocean University of China

Aug-Nov 1999,Visiting scholar, Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute(KORDI), Korea.

Jun-Jul 2006,Visiting scholar, Bremen University and Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), Germany.

Feb-Mar 2011,Visiting scholar, National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), India.

Apr-Jun 2011,Visiting scholar, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW), Germany.

Research Interests

Biogeochemical cycles of dissolved trace elements and their isotopes (TEIs) in the marginal seas and open oceans, including application of using TEIs as geochemical tracer to study the mixing of water masses and terrestrial material transport; the roles of micronutrients on the carbon sequestration in the tropical gyres and bioengineering; impacts of anthropogenic activities on marine biogeochemical cycles of TEIs and ecosystems etc.

Research Projects Participated

  • 973-I: Ecosystem dynamics and sustainable utilization of living resources in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea (EYSEC) (G1999043705, 1999-2004);

  • 973-II: A case study of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea ecosystem dynamics (2006CB400601, 2006-2010);

  • NSFC Project “Scavenge mechanism of aluminum on the biogenic particles and its records in the sediments”(2007-2009, sole PI);

  • Hypoxia in the Baltic and East China Seas: the role of climate andland-use change (2010-2013);

  • NSFC Project “Distributions, speciation transformation and influencing factors of dissolved manganese in the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent area”(2011-2015, sole PI);

  • 973-III: Response of biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem in the East China Sea to the multi-stressors (2011CB409801, 2011-2015);

  • 973: Living resource and ecosystem dynamics on the slope of the South China Sea (2014CB441502, 2014-2018)

  • NSFC Project “Distributions and influencing factors of dissolved aluminum in the northern South China Sea and and its application on the tracing terrestrial material transport”(2016-2020, sole PI);

  • NSFC Major Project: CARBON fixation and export in the oligotrophic ocean (41890801, 2019-2024)

  • NSFC Project “Atmospheric deposition flux and lateral transport pathways ofterrestrial materials in the West Pacific” (2022-2025, sole PI);

Representative Publications:

1. Wang Z.W., Xuan J.L., Li F.M., Ren J.L.*, Huang D. and Zhang J., 2021. Monsoon-facilitated off-shelf transport of dissolved aluminum across the East China Sea during summer. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016953.

2. Zhang Y., Li L., Ren J.L.*, He H. J., Zhang R.F., Zhao L., Zhang J., Zhao M., 2021. Distribution and influencing factors of dissolved manganese in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Marine Chemistry, 234 (2021) 104002.

3. Wang Z.W., Ren J.L.*, Zhang R.F., Xu D.F. and Wu Y., 2019. Physical and biological controls of dissolved manganese on the northern slope of the South China Sea. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 167: 25-33.

4. ZhangR.F., Zhu X.C., Yang C.H., Ye L.P., Zhang G.L., Ren J.L., Wu Y., Liu S.M., Zhang J., Zhou M., 2019. Distribution of dissolved iron in the Pearl River (Zhujiang) Estuary and the northern continental slope of the South China Sea. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 167: 14-24.

5. Li L., PohlC., Ren J.L.*, Schulz-BullD., CaoX.H., NauschG. and ZhangJ., 2018. Revisiting the biogeochemistry of arsenic in the Baltic Sea: Impact of anthropogenic activity. Science of The Total Environment, 613–614: 557–568.

6. Li L., LiF.M., ZhaoM., ZhangJ. and Ren J.L.*, 2018. Factors influencing the use of dissolved aluminum as a source tracer in the East China Sea and adjacent waters. Marine Chemistry, 204: 133-143.

7. WangZ.W., Ren J.L.*, XuanJ., LiF.M., YangT.T., GuoY., 2018. Processes controlling the distribution and cycling of dissolved manganese in the northern South China Sea. Marine Chemistry, 204: 152-162.

8. Li L., Ren J.L.*, CaoX.H., LiuS.M., HaoQ., ZhouF. and ZhangJ., 2017. Process study of biogeochemical cycling of dissolved inorganic arsenic species during the spring phytoplankton bloom in the southern Yellow Sea. Science of The Total Environment, 593-594: 430-438.

9. Wu B., Liu S.M.* and Ren J.L., 2017. Dissolution kinetics of biogenic silica and tentative silicon balance in the Yellow Sea. Limnology & Oceanography, 62, 1512-1525.

10. Wang Z.W., Ren J.L.*, JiangS., LiuS.M., XuanJ.L. and ZhangJ., 2016. Geochemical behavior of dissolved manganese in the East China Sea: seasonal variation, estuarine removal, and regeneration under suboxic conditions. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17, 1-18.

11. Ren J.L.*, Xuan J.L., Wang Z.W., Huang D. and Zhang J., 2015. Cross-shelf Transport of Terrestrial Al Enhanced by the Transition of Northeasterly to Southwesterly Monsoon Wind over the East China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120, 5054-5073.

12. Zhang R.F., John, S.G., Zhang J., Ren J.L., Wu Y., Zhu Z.Y., Liu S.M., Zhu X.C., Marsay, C.M., Wenger F., 2015. Transport and reaction of iron and iron stable isotopes in glacial meltwaters on Svalbard near Kongsfjorden: From rivers to estuary to ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 424, 201-211.

13. Ren J.L.*, Zhang X.Z., Sun Y.X., Liu S.M., Huang D., Zhang J., 2015.Antimony and arsenic biogeochemistry in the East China Sea. Deep Sea Res. II, 124, 29-42.

14. Zhang R.F., Zhang J., Ren J.L., Li J., Li F.M., Wang Z.W., Zhu X.C., 2015. X-Vane: A sampling assembly combining a Niskin-X bottle and titanium frame vane for trace metal analysis of sea water. Marine Chemistry, 177(4), 653-661.

15. Wang Z.W., Ren J.L.*, Zhang G.L., Liu S.M., Zhang X.Z., Liu Z. and Zhang J., 2015. Behavior of dissolved aluminum in the Huanghe (Yellow River) and its estuary: Impact of human activities and sorption processes. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 153, 86-95.

16. Li L., Ren J.L.*, YanZ., LiuS.M., WuY., ZhouF., LiuC.G. and ZhangJ., 2014. Behavior of arsenic in the coastal area of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary: Influences of water mass mixing, the spring bloom and hypoxia. Continental Shelf Research, 80, 67-78.

17. Balzer W., Boehler E., TangX.L.,Ren J.L., Zhang J., Wang D.R., 2013. Arsenic in solution, colloidal and particulate phases of East-Hainan estuaries. Continental Shelf Research, 57, 73-81.

18. Ren J.L.*, Zhang G.L., Zhang J., Shi J.H., Liu S.M., Li F.M., Jin J. and Liu C.G., 2011. Distribution of dissolved aluminum in the Southern Yellow Sea: Influences of a dust storm and the spring bloom.Marine Chemistry, 125: 69-81.

19. Ren J.L.*, Zhang J., Li D.D., Cheng Y. and Liu S.M., 2010. Behavior of dissolved inorganic arsenic in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Deep-Sea Research II, 57: 1035-1046.

20. Ren J.L.*, Zhang J., Li D.D., Cheng Y. and Liu S.M., 2007. Speciation and seasonal variations of dissolved inorganic arsenic in Jiaozhou Bay, North China. Water, Air & Soil Pollution: Focus, 7: 655-671.

21. Zhang J., Liu S.M., Ren J.L., Wu Y. and Zhang G.L., 2007. Nutrient Gradients from the Eutrophic Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary to Oligotrophic Kuroshio Waters and Re-evaluation of Budgets for the East China Sea Shelf. Progress in Oceanography, 74, 449-478.

22. Ren J.L.*, Zhang J., Li J.B., Yu X.Y., Liu S.M. and Zhang E.R., 2006. Dissolved aluminum in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea – Al as a tracer of Changjiang (Yangtze River) discharge and Kuroshio incursion. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 68: 165-174.

23. Zhang J., Ren J.L., Liu S.M., Zhang Z.F., Wu Y., Xiong H. and Chen H.T., 2003. Dissolved aluminum and silica in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) and its Tributaries. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 17(3): 1077-1087.

24. Ren J.L.*, Zhang J., Luo J.Q., Pei X.K. and Jiang Z.X., 2001. Improved fluorimetric determination of dissolved aluminium by micelle-enhanced lumogallion complex in natural waters. The Analyst, 126, 698-702

25. Zhang J., Yu Z.G., Wang J.T., Ren J.L., Chen H.T., Xiong H., Dong L.X. and Xu W.Y., 1999. The Subtropical Zhujiang (Pearl River) Estuary: Nutrient, Trace Species and Their Relationship to Photosynthesis. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 49: 385-400.